Example sentences of "coming [adv] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The level of imports increased by 300% between 1985 and 1986 , coming predominantly from the Eastern bloc , North Africa , and the Middle East .
2 Fertilization consists of the coming together of the two sets of chromosomes , 23 paternal and 23 maternal ones , so providing a new set of 46 chromosomes ‘ yoked together ’ in the zygote , which is the first cell of the new individual .
3 Under the auspices of a previous coming together of the same organisations found in HOG ( plus one or two others ) , the Forum has already put together a set of Open Management Interoperability Points — OMNIpoints — which define interoperable network management products .
4 coming together under the full blossom
5 Trying to mould together a side in only four days with eight players coming together for the first time is a pretty difficult task .
6 However , a good deal of tension is created at this point , with the bass playing the expected D while the accompanying chords are first a G major , then an Amin7 , finally releasing this tension by coming together on the sustained D major , which leads positively into the beginning of the next verse , a G major .
7 Where a man can become more male and a woman more female by coming together in the full rigors of the fuck … homosexuals , it can be suggested , tend to pass their qualities over to one another , for there is no womb to mirror and return what is most forceful or attractive in each of them .
8 If you locked up one of these shawlies , as you were coming away from the Main Bridewell , you would usually find a deputation of shawlies coming running down the road .
9 Coming southwards on the main Arezzo — Lake Trasimeno road , just before Policiano , a sign points left and a straight avenue leads to this handsome country residence surrounded by cypresses , palm trees , bamboo cane , conifers and much tranquillity .
10 For years , sewage solids have been coming ashore between the two Forth bridges .
11 ‘ The first thing I want is a bath , ’ said Kenichi Horie after coming ashore on the southern island of Okinawa .
12 In early July the waiting was broken by the excitement of Maggie coming home for the first time since she had left for London .
13 His father had been ‘ under the weather , since July , and Lewis was half-aware that he might be coming home for the last time .
14 Me mother was like that , me dad said I do n't know whether I 'm coming home to the right house
15 ‘ It was our last day at Disney World and we were coming home from the Magic Kingdom , ’ she said .
16 ‘ My eldest daughter Catherine 's behaviour became unacceptable to the family : she was always disappearing with these friends and coming home in the early hours . ’
17 It is strange to see , however , how a ‘ supra-personal ’ quality can be hinted at in a girl or woman , coming close to the archetypal spirit .
18 Both teams were somewhat weakened for this visit of Lansdowne to Eaton Park but Ballymena just about deserved their narrow 3–0 win , the only score of the game , a penalty by Derek McAleese coming midway through the second half .
19 Specific criticisms included the view that coverage of Business Questions ( coming immediately after the Prime Minister on Thursdays ) was excessive ; that there was too much coverage of points of order ; that too much attention was paid to the confrontation between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition ; that not enough attention was paid to legislation ; and that more should be shown of the nuts and bolts of the House 's work .
20 A closed van was coming fast from the other direction , and the Montego was nose to tail with the car in front of it .
21 Royston Lambert captured this mood in a seventeen-year-old boy talking about his family and school : ‘ They have been coming here since the seventeenth century , I think , although what they did before that I ca n't imagine , had Tutors I suppose .
22 Particularly in doing a great part like Juliet which we toured in all kinds of places before coming here to the Other Place venue .
23 At this time , however , Christianity was only one among a number of competing religions in the Roman empire which were coming increasingly under the cosmopolitan influence of Hellenistic civilization .
24 The tap-room of the tiny inn was down a deep step and he nearly sprawled on the tiled floor , coming abruptly into the cool darkness .
25 Partridge had got all angry and upset soon too because as he was struggling with Steven a magazine fell out of his trousers on to the towpath of the canal and the other men had picked it up and it had been a spanking magazine so all the other men who were n't laughing and shouting already started teasing partridge ; Partridge started trying to wrestle Steven to the ground but Steven had got free and clouted the other man with the shovel , which was still bloody from hacking the cat to bits , and after that , with the magazine coming apart as the other men grabbed at it and Partridge rolling about dazed on the towpath in the cat 's blood and almost falling into the canal , Dan Ashton had said soberly that enough was enough and they 'd better go and see Mr Smith the supervisor because they just could n't go on like this .
26 Now that fabric of our existence is coming apart under the psychic emissions of a billion , billion spiritual ‘ cancers ’ .
27 Erm in connection with erm with reference to the York area housing strategy , again , there is a simple explanation , in that that that document was prepared before the current work on the City of York draft local plan , had progressed to a stage at which members had considered housing sites , and a number of sites in City Council ownership erm within the city , covering some four hundred dwellings have now been agreed by the City Council members as coming forward over the planned period for affordable housing , and in the case of two of those sites it actually requires sites to be taken out of use as public car parks , to bring them forward for development , and that is why the eleven hundred figure is actually reduced now to a seven hundred .
28 The Central Council of the PLO , convened in Tunis on Oct. 15-17 , formally approved continuing Palestinian participation at the Middle East peace talks , but analysts believed that the margin of victory for the mainstream " pro-negotiation " factions was narrow , opposition coming principally from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( PFLP ) and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( DFLP ) .
29 This is in miniature the classic blueprint detective story , and it can give more pleasure by virtue of its clues coming closer to the final revelation than sometimes the full-length affair does .
30 Pascoe tried out several emotions for that , coming closer to the real thing each time — impatience , irritation , concern , anxiety …
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