Example sentences of "coming [prep] the [adj] [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 But next day I 'm coming along the High Street when I meet little Darius — you know him ? — and he says there 's two guys broke into my flat and they 're waiting for me . ’
2 He 'd give us funny stories — the Colonel coming in the front door while Luke left through the back .
3 Coming from the same background as those on the front line gives Tony Davidson of Provincial Insurance a mission to explain all the business 's activities , says Neil Fitzgerald .
4 On now to Barry Humphries ' autobiography , More Please ( Penguin ) ; Carol ( second wife of Walter ) Matthau 's memoirs Among the Porcupines ( Orion ) ; Ranulph Fiennes ' search for the city of Ubar ( the Koranic version of Sodom and Gomorrah ) , Atlantis of the Sands ( Penguin ) : A N Wilson 's Jesus ( Flamingo ) , coming at the same time as Barbara Thiering 's Jesus the Man ( Corgi ) , as they also did in hardcover ; and Miranda Seymour 's much-praised life of Ottoline Morrell ( Sceptre ) , £25 in hardcover and so welcome as a £7 or £8 paperback .
5 A classic mix of myth , fairy tale and adventure , coming at the same time as Faery in Shadow ( C format , £8.99 ) and being promoted with it .
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