Example sentences of "based [prep] the same [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both NVQs and SVQs are based upon the same employment-led standards whose development rests with the appropriate ‘ lead ’ or standard setting bodies .
2 They may be packaged slightly differently but they are based upon the same unspoken tradition that underpinned my own short years at college .
3 Occasional forfeiture orders , based upon the same loose definitions , are subject to the inconsistent priorities and prejudices of constabularies in different parts of the country , and offer no effective deterrent .
4 Such services should be based on the same broad principles as those outlined for other adults .
5 The method of argument is based on the same underlying logic as the experiment , a logic first spelled out by John Stuart Mill in the nineteenth century .
6 It is based on the same clinical guidelines for outpatient care available to all doctors in the diabetic clinics of the district general hospital .
7 In non-western countries the model of health care which has been imported and which is still often considered to be optimal is one based on the same medical model .
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