Example sentences of "said to have [be] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A further 40 Sendero guerrillas were said to have been killed for the loss of three policemen dead and 20 wounded on Sept. 27 during an attack on a police post in Nuevo Progreso , San Martin department in the Upper Huallaga valley , the country 's major cocaine producing area , a Sendero stronghold .
2 At least 27 people were said to have been massacred on a squatter site at Swaniesville near Johannesburg on May 12 by Zulu attackers from a nearby hostel , armed with spears and said to number around 1,000 .
3 A mortgage by Bishop Eadnoth of Crediton from 1018 ( S 1387 ) is said to have been declared to the borough meetings of Exeter , Totnes , Lydford and Barnstaple .
4 Pliny described it as being of use , if scattered in a pool , for curing unhealthy fish ; it was said to have been grown in the Emperor Charlemagne 's herb garden ; Ion the Gardener who wrote the first book about gardening in Britain included it as his favourite herb , and it was mentioned in Langland 's famous poem Piers Plowman .
5 It was said to have been made from a nail of the True Cross with ornamentation of gold enamel and jewels .
6 Architects are said to have been prowling on the island incognito gathering intelligence for their mission .
7 And in the even more classic ground of the Italian Apennines , where Kuenen and Migliorini first recognised the turbidity current , single graded beds up to 20 metres thick within the Macigno Sandstone are said to have been deposited by a single " whoosh " of turbid water .
8 It is said to have been built as a smock mill but later , after a period as a dwelling house , changed to a tower mill and made higher .
9 There was also a water mill in Lowthorpe as early as 1327 but the latest building on the site was said to have been built in the 1700s and was finally demolished in 1959 .
10 The great magician Merlin was said to have been born of a union between an incubus and a nun ; happily Merlin used his other-worldly powers of wizardry for good , rather than evil .
11 Mithras was said to have been born in a cave or a grotto , where shepherds attended him and regaled him with gifts .
12 On top of that , Taylor is said to have been determined from the outset to exert his authority and not to be overshadowed by superstars .
13 He is said to have been deprived of the royal household and nobles with the counsel and consent of all his people , and to have fled from Bamburgh with only a few companions , which would suggest an almost outright rejection .
14 The positive test is said to have been given after the Lievin race on 13 February which saw Narozhilenko , the world 100m hurdles champion in Tokyo in 1991 , begin an extraordinary record-breaking sequence at 60m hurdles .
15 While a beneficiary of Aethelwealh 's patronage , however , Wilfrid is said to have been sought as a spiritual father by Caedwalla ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 42 ) .
16 Major earthworks are often said to have been formed by the devil , and standing stones to have been thrown by him , a famous example being the Devil 's Arrows near Boroughbridge in Yorkshire .
17 Nine workmen were reportedly employed at the Luxeuil-les-Bains foundry and authorities are said to have been alerted by the fact that Hains got behind with his Social Security payments .
18 Oracle7 , Sybase , Ingres and Informix are said to have been tuned for the 1000 .
19 Two more ghosts , two women — also in black — are said to have been seen about the village in days gone by .
20 The overall increase of 2.1 per cent — compared with 2 per cent in grants from the Arts Council in England and Wales — was said to have been achieved at the expense of the SAC 's running costs , which will be limited to an increase of 1.5 per cent .
21 Whilst some progress had been made complete free movement of capital can not be said to have been achieved by the time of the SEA .
22 Some are hazardous : for example , nitrates and radon , which is said to have been regarded as an invigorating tonic in some Italian mineral water .
23 Amis 's Stanley and the Women drew blood , for a time , from feminist opinion , and is said to have been blocked for a period from entry into the United States ; and Salman Rushdie 's Satanic Verses ( 1988 ) forced its author , a Muslim-born Indian , into hiding in 1989 for its alleged blasphemy against the Prophet .
24 More than 5,000,000 marijuana plants were said to have been destroyed in the operation in an attempt to curb the flow of illegal drugs from the kingdom into South Africa .
25 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
26 There were reports of atrocities by gunmen in Bardera , where 10 people were said to have been murdered at a feeding centre , and of intensified banditry at Kismayu port , ahead of the troops ' arrival .
27 However , price movements were said to have been exaggerated by a distinct lack of spare stock , with many market makers struggling to fill a series of programme and basket trades .
28 PMMA 's biocompatibility is said to have been deduced from the fact that World War II fighter pilots were found to tolerate splinters of the polymer which had become embedded in their eyes following damage to their cockpits in aerial combat .
29 A man answering a description of Magee , who was knee-capped in Northern Ireland several years ago , was said to have been lagging behind the two terrorists as they ran from their gold-coloured Ford Granada getaway car , which they had abandoned in Charnwood Street , Derby , minutes after the shooting on Monday evening .
30 With the exception of a few of the non-manual workers , concentrated in the first group , early retirement can not be said to have been chosen from a position of strength — namely , possessing financial security , good health , and the option of continued employment .
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