Example sentences of "certainly do [not/n't] [vb infin] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 And in the mixed ability situation this certainly did not happen in the same way .
2 And I think really this comes from the problem of those pupils in the streamed situation , in the bottoms streams in particular , who found that they wanted alternatives to school , when the , they were in an inferior position in the school , they were devalued if you like by finding themselves in the bottom streams , and so they tended to look for out-of-school things , alternatives to school , from which to gain their satisfactions , and they would look to the pop media , to fashion , to football , to these kinds of things , and in the mixed ability situation this certainly did not happen in the same way .
3 And in the mixed ability situation this certainly did not happen in the same way , so the children in a sense remained children longer in the mixed ability situation , and again this was something that the teachers found very pleasing in that the pupils were remaining involved in the school much more and much longer in a mixed ability situation .
4 The relevance of these organizations certainly did not lie in the number of their supporters and activists .
5 She certainly did not live in the shadow of John ; she was her own person and deserved to be described as more than a widow .
6 This change may reflect a disillusionment with the cost-benefit approach and the realisation that while this attitude might be helpful in manufacturing industry it certainly did not work in the service industry to which most of the Highlands were exposed .
7 I do n't know who or what Wide Awake heard during that week but it certainly did n't originate in the Lower Ormeau .
8 There was no sign of one , but Ace did discover a locked section of one case which , upon being broken open , proved to contain the sort of books which one certainly did n't find in the local W H Smiths .
9 This story concerns the sounds of footsteps walking in the ballast ; no one was seen but the sounds were very convincing and one respects the account of this mystery from Mr Leslie , who certainly did n't believe in the supernatural , preferring to find a logical explanation of this sort of thing .
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