Example sentences of "wanted [to-vb] [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Andropov wanted to reintroduce discipline among the Soviet Union 's allies as well as at home .
2 He refused to comment on Pittencrieff 's intentions for its recently-acquired 16.6 per cent stake in Aberdeen Petroleum , but said Pittencrieff had made it clear it wanted to see rationalisation among the smaller oil companies .
3 A councillor member of a housing committee wanted to see information in a social services file on prospective adopting parents as she doubted their suitability as adopters .
4 Assuming a 10 per cent escalation a year in school fees , if you wanted to provide fees for a new-born infant in thirteen years ’ time , you would have to invest £200 a month in a Personal Equity Plan ( PEP ) .
5 Many of the early sociologists were anxious about the social changes occurring around them and wanted to establish sociology as a comprehensive scientific discipline , charged with discovering sociological laws of behaviour and constructing social policy based on these laws .
6 The indications are , however , that Moscow wanted to establish relations with the new Cuban regime as part of its overall campaign for promoting global diplomatic acceptance of the USSR .
7 The Security Council members wanted to reach arrangements with the existing states of the region .
8 She believed women should have a sensible working wardrobe and , abhorring idleness , wanted to sell clothes for the working woman .
9 Meanwhile Laura and Bernard underwent a change of heart over educational priorities and wanted to send Nick to the nearby , old-established public school , Shrewsbury .
10 He saw the attachment to the Middle East by Britain as ‘ sentimental ’ , and wanted to redefine Britain as the easterly extension of a strategic area based in the USA , rather than a power looking eastwards through the Mediterranean to India and beyond .
11 But in 1987 tensions surfaced between Sankara , who wanted to divert resources to the rural sector , and Captain Blaise Compaor , who represented the relatively privileged government employees and trade unions .
12 They wanted to dissolve Lebanon in the Arab world . ’
13 The Shah wanted to transform Iran into a modern state , downgrading agriculture and investing in industry .
14 When she was n't explaining that she and the libbers were on the same side really , Mrs Travers took pains to point out that FAMILY had no quarrel with the poor or socially inadequate ; it was just that she wanted to pay tribute to the unsung millions of women ( and men ) who lived normal lives , did not swap roles , get divorces or abortions , become homeless or batter their children ( or their wives ) ; people who faced misfortune with re-sourcefulness and courage and without recourse to public funds .
15 It was set up at the outbreak of war , when the British wanted to explain events to the African population in East Africa , and became self-supporting within two years .
16 In this , he had the support of many educationists , intellectuals and students , including the Rector of Madrid 's Central University , Pedro Laín Entralgo , that of the University of Salamanca , Antonio Tovar , and the Falangists in the SEU who wanted to adapt Francoism to the new era .
17 Maddox reversed into a quoted company as soon as it was formed in February 1992 , Biermann stated , because he wanted to take advantage of the public market for acquisition purposes — it could issue new shares rather than having to find cash .
18 She wanted to make Reflections in a Golden Eye with him playing the latent homosexual army officer , and Taylor as his wife .
19 They did not want to confuse their audience with images of pacifists , masochists or the self-proclaimed ‘ fierce dykes ’ who screamed that they wanted to make love to the first lady .
20 Freire wanted to bring people to a critical awareness of their real situation in the socio-economic context , only then could they really learn and understand .
21 Many Poles in East Prussia still clung to a Polish identity , but very few of them wanted to become part of a Polish state .
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