Example sentences of "shall be [verb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 George O'Grady , the Tournament Director , pointed out that Mason 's action was in defiance of Rule 19 , which states that " the ball shall be struck at the hole with the head of the club and not pushed , scraped or spooned " , in short , not the Steve Davis style .
2 Over the next few days I shall be looking at the Activity Book and Video Guide again in detail with our designer Phil Hall and then , with the stills from Michael Keefe , shall be able to send you a revised schedule .
3 In this chapter we shall be looking at the range of sexual opinions , ideas and practices in Britain today : for the most part , it must be expected , broadly similar among the majority of our fellow countrymen but extending widely beyond these broad norms in many individuals or groups .
4 So yes , the answer to your question is , we shall be looking at the curriculum as a whole , and at its various parts .
5 Next Tuesday it 's the turn of drama and literature , and I shall be looking at the place of Britain in Europe with the help of Gabriel Droskapovchy .
6 Next week we shall be looking at the impact these methods of delivering care have upon such varied areas of our professional life as advocacy , ethics , accountability and assertiveness .
7 We shall be looking at the process of registering a death in chapter 11 .
8 They ask me how much I paid for everything I was wearing , how much I pay for my room at the pension , how much salary I shall be getting at the university — a salary to me ridiculously small , little more than pocket-money , but for the majority of working-class Spaniards a fortune .
9 In the event that the Director is required to provide his services in excess of five days after 22 December 1989 , then it is agreed that he shall be reimbursed at the rate of £200 per diem .
10 All certificates , information and evidence required by the Insurer shall be furnished at the expense of the Insured Person or his/her legal personal representatives .
11 We shall be arriving at The Blackheath Gate and so if we do n't see you at the shoot , I would just like to thank you now for your help and advice on the recces .
12 The said finished Products shall be purchased at the prices laid down in cl 5 and the said packaging materials at cost to the Supplier plus five percent .
13 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
14 ( 5 ) The Special Fund shall be abolished at the end of 1993 …
15 6.5 Each Party shall be entitled at the completion of the Project to require delivery up of all copies of any information originating from it except information which the recipient in each case has a right to retain or use for the purposes of clause [ Exploitation of Results ] .
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