Example sentences of "began [to-vb] in the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But the project was dropped and reports began to appear in the Western press in the early 1970s of Soviet use of Indian port facilities , especially the naval base at Vishakapatna .
2 Revivalism also began to appear in the parallel growth of some of the dissenting churches and , most extremely , in the emergence of extraordinary movements of popular messianism and millenarianism .
3 Mr De Benedetti presented himself voluntarily to Milan magistrates on May 16th after rumours began to appear in the Italian press that his company had paid bribes to win contracts , notably with Italy 's Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications .
4 But the overlap in dates — Tolkien 's book began to appear in the same year as Lucky Jim — is fortuitous , not significant , and the overlap in time was not a collision of rival forces , rather the side-by-side running of parallel tracks .
5 Just one wide awake sedge warbler sang solo as stars began to twinkle in the darkening night sky .
6 Jinny let the paper fall to the ground and , very carefully , began to colour in the fair hair around Liam Shakespeare 's face .
7 The Masterpiece , a collection of folklore about the body and its functions , was probably the single most popular source of information on sex relations and childbirth , and the continuing publication of this work was possibly the last remnant of a much stronger popular demand and usage that began to grow in the nineteenth century with increasing literate audiences demanding knowledge .
8 Unaccompanied she began to sing in the local language .
9 Finally a man began to sing in the muffled distance , as if from the bottom of a lake .
10 Franco himself may have realized this , for his erstwhile enthusiasm for Arrese and his project began to wane in the second half of 1956 , as opposition to it became more widespread and vocal among the non-Falangist sectors of the regime .
11 I began to despair in the local press I noticed an advert for an evening class , cookery for men being the young one in the family I plucked up courage and enrolled but it was great , with great apprehension that I went to the first class .
12 I chewed betel with the barefoot skipper in his wheel-house until , as the old tub began to roll in the outside channel , I realised that had been a mistake .
13 People began to cough in the acrid air , and to rub eyes reddened with smoke and tears .
14 Things began to improve in the nineteenth century , however , when more coordinated methods were employed , and for the first time , digging began to be directed at finding out about Pompeii , rather than making a profit .
15 Instead there was only a blazing , triumphant surge of fulfilment as she accepted the fullness of Rune 's body into her own , and a mounting sense of exhilaration as he began to move in the age-old rhythm of possession .
16 As the day began to cool in the later afternoon , I walked up the hill road behind Reckweilerhof through twelve hundred feet of gently sloping sward .
17 The strain under which Airdrie are operating began to tell in the second half when Falkirk attempted to mount a fightback .
18 Bloody-mindedness on all sides soon began to show in the economic performance of the region .
19 The volatile combination of passion and laughter was so overwhelming that Virginia shut her eyes and tangled her fingers in the ruffled dark hair and began to drown in the exquisite taste and texture and sensation of kissing Guy and being kissed back very comprehensively in return .
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