Example sentences of "likely [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was of course appreciated that the public at large was in favour of retaining the death penalty and that its abolition would be likely to lose votes for the Labour Party .
2 Although most Panamanians will welcome the departure of General Noriega , the fact that their new President was sworn in by a US army general at a US army base is likely to colour perceptions of the new government .
3 Although the uncertainty helped Saatchi shares yesterday , it is just as likely to cause movements in the other direction until the picture becomes clearer .
4 This is partly because he has become the man most likely to win medals in the top competitions abroad — including the World Championships in Belgrade which start on Tuesday — notwithstanding his curiously fragile physique .
5 And since Cambridge University of 1924 was hardly likely to breed recruits for the Labour Party — that took another three years — the young men and women of the university could not do much but move , or move further , towards the Conservative side .
6 The federal government has suddenly ‘ discovered ’ high technology , say the scientists , and is likely to back plans for the new institute .
7 The combination of this group of activists with either the residents or the workers was likely to raise questions on the continued operation of the factory , rather than demands for it to be operated safely , as the activists refused to accept that it was possible to work safely with asbestos or other toxic substances , following their similar rebuttal of threshold limits for exposure to radiation in the anti-nuclear movement .
8 This ‘ tidy ’ wound is not very likely to have complications in the healing period .
9 Still , he created two characters in The Lord of the Rings of particular suggestiveness , both of them originally on the right side but seduced or corroded by evil , and so especially likely to have analogues in the real world : these are Denethor and Saruman , each of them seen faintly satirically , almost politically .
10 THE CAMERON Toll centre in south-east Edinburgh , the UK 's first seven-day-trading shopping centre when it opened in 1984 , is likely to change hands within the next two weeks , writes Bill Millar .
11 Visually handicapped pupils are likely to need adaptations to the educational materials that are in the ordinary classroom if they have severe sight defects that prevent them from discriminating the size of print being used by the class .
12 The Flora of China is already an Internet user , and other collaborative floristic projects are extremely likely to become users in the immediate future .
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