Example sentences of "likely [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The cheaper RISC-based machines are likely to impinge directly on the territory occupied by the company 's newly announced Pentium machines .
2 The cheaper RISC-based machines are likely to impinge directly on the territory occupied by the company 's newly announced Pentium machines .
3 The costs of such systems are extremely variable , but are likely to fall somewhere in the regions of :
4 ‘ We must have a five-point plan for autumn safety : 1 ) Get all poisonous plants clearly labelled ; 2 ) Put government health warnings on toadstools ; 3 ) Secure all dangerous-looking branches ; 4 ) Spread polythene sheets beneath all major leaf-producing trees ; 5 ) Have a national warning system for cold days on which apples , conkers and so on , are much more likely to fall out of the trees and cause these horrendous injuries . ’
5 If we aggregate together everyone in that ‘ dependent ’ age group , i.e. , those below the age of 16 and above pensionable ages remembering the heaviest demands on services are made at each end of the age range , the percentage of dependants to total UK population has indeed remained remarkably stable throughout this century — 30 per cent in 1901 , 36 per cent in 1951 , 41 per cent in 1977 — and it is likely to remain so for the remainder of the century ; it is projected to be 40 per cent in 2001 ( Grundy , 1986 , p. 21 ; table 5.4 ) .
6 Only specialist engineers are likely to go down to the level of AND gates and NOR gates , and only physicists will go down further , to the level of how electrons behave in a semiconducting medium .
7 They found the babies who were left for longer began to make crawling movements towards the breast after 20 minutes , and after 50 minutes virtually all had suckled correctly at the breast — and were more likely to breastfeed successfully as a result afterwards .
8 3 STEVE BULL scored twice as England finished their European Championship Under-21 qualifying campaign with a flourish in Jastrzebie Zdruj , but they are still likely to miss out on a quarter-final place for the first time since the competition began 13 years ago .
9 Whilst recognising that such a survey would be of only indirect relevance to their present situation , the firm has a long history in the area ( since 1890 ) , and its management has an acute awareness that the present local employment situation is likely to deteriorate further without a mix of public/private initiatives .
10 ‘ If you wanted to find out how an astronaut 's body was likely to stand up to the strain of living on a very , very heavy planet , is there some way of testing it before actually visiting the planet ? ’
11 Ben parked his newly acquired BMW at the roadside and hoped it would be there when he returned , reassuring himself that in this place of utter solitude car thieves were n't likely to creep out of the hedgerows with duplicate keys .
12 Gas consumption on the other hand , is likely to increase slightly as a proportion of total energy demand , with new supplies contracted from the USSR , Algeria , Norway and the Netherlands .
13 Despite these significant checks on the population this species seems likely to increase further in the future .
14 This on-line printer library can magic up a driver for any printer you are ever likely to meet in under a couple of minutes .
15 Over the years the first edition ( 1954 ) of this work has acquired something of the aura of a ‘ classic ’ text , and one or other of the editions is never likely to stray far from the student petrographer 's microscope .
16 Now unit six is very likely to come up in the exam so when you do this test for Monday you are in effect preparing for the exam .
17 If the unholy alliance in favour of the National Curriculum is likely to come apart at the seams over the issue of resource , so also , given the very different aspirations of those who support its introduction , there is likely to be a parting of the ways over principles .
18 But remember that any increase in death cover is likely to come out at the expense of a lower retirement benefit .
19 The occasion is unlikely to arise ; if the resignation of a superior court judge becomes necessary , it is much more likely to come about as a result of ill-health diagnosed in an old-established London club .
20 A second area of concern about the effects of new technology has been centred around the question of what changes are likely to come about in the nature of those jobs that are left .
21 Leeds were again without their six-figure signing from Hull , Lee Crooks , and the Great Britain forward 's mysterious absences are likely to lead shortly to a parting of the ways .
22 It added that on present trends , the number of children being born each year was likely to peak in about the year 2000 .
23 But they are keen on the average private investor because he does not expect to have lunch once a quarter and is less likely to sell out during a takeover bid .
24 And that , in turn , is likely to feed back on the Government in the form of pressures from the most irresistible of all Tory constituencies , the City .
25 Active swimmers in the surface waters of the present oceans are likely to feed directly on the plankton , and the trilobites may have had a method of harvesting large quantities of minute food .
26 A mother who is living in an environment where she is very isolated and whose general social contacts with neighbours , relatives , and husband are mostly unhappy or antagonistic is likely to behave differently from a mother who generally has pleasant interactions with most people but occasionally experiences some aggressive reactions from her child .
27 But a third knight made the significant point that the commons were not likely to progress far without the agreement of the lords , and suggested that they should ask the king to appoint a group of prelates and magnates to help them in their deliberations .
28 ‘ The questions on education are likely to reflect badly on the children even though everyone involved may be dong their utmost for them . ’
29 Apple Computer Inc chairman and chief executive officer John Sculley 's name has made it to the short list to be Secretary of Commerce in the Clinton Administration : if he takes the cabinet post , Apple 's likely to look outside for a replacement .
30 Nutty declined the offer , knowing that what disappeared into the depths of Gloria 's handbag was not likely to surface again in a hurry .
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