Example sentences of "likely [to-vb] [prep] the [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Given that the cartridge may need to be removed for the purpose of transporting the printer , it means that , should any toner be spilled from the cartridge , it is likely to fall below the paper path , and so not contaminate the rest of the machine and subsequent print-outs .
2 Therefore the EC central banks made arrangements to sell the stronger currencies when they threatened to break through the snake ceiling and to buy the weaker currencies when they seemed likely to fall through the snake floor .
3 Although survey data continues to point to a substantial majority of young people aspiring to home ownership , they are likely to remain outside the property market all the time prices continue to decline .
4 Overall , clients are likely to go to the executive search firm they feel most comfortable with , which has the most appropriate range of experience and is closest to the image of the type of people they wish to recruit .
5 But in reality these are likely to go with the US firm to DRT .
6 Such a strategy would undermine EC initiatives for sweeping global reductions in CO2 emissions , but would be likely to appeal to the US Administration , which has thus far failed to set any formal targets for reducing carbon output .
7 Croatia 's moveable heritage , ranging from works of art and archaeological finds of great European importance to folk art of only local value , are likely to appear on the art market .
8 In other cases , individual workers made their own judgements about whether a person was likely to benefit from the care programme approach .
9 The amateur collector is most likely to come across the cycad foliage , with its characteristic narrow central rib and flat leaflets .
10 Remove any foliage likely to come below the water line .
11 The bowling is in good hands , with Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis ( if he can shake off a persistent back injury ) likely to rank among the star names of the tournament .
12 My fear is that I am not likely to serve on the Standing Committee , although I volunteer for such duty if the opportunity be there .
13 The male establishes and maintains its territory with drumming displays which you are likely to hear during the breeding season — mid March through to April .
14 While profitability remains the key factor in the use of expensive floor space , it would make sense to display the products which older people are likely to buy on the ground floor .
15 Neil Jenkins will be fit to resume his season for East Wales , while Cardiff 's Adrian Davies , Stephen 's understudy against Australia , is likely to fit into the West Wales ' line up at the Llanelli stand off 's expense .
16 South African fast bowler Meyrick Pringle , one of three players sharing that surname who are likely to play in the World Cup
17 The greatest error is likely to derive from the migration component .
18 Although his weekend stay in a freezer owned by Farepack in Swindon is comparitively tropical to the temperatures he 's likely to encounter at the North Pole .
19 Timber which is so severely honeycombed that it is virtually useless — termed ‘ frass ’ — is likely to coincide with the sapwood content of structural timber .
20 In fact they would be just as likely to turn to the agony aunt pages of a magazine .
21 In a hierarchy , a pointer is likely to refer to the owner record — on each lecturer record there could be a pointer to its owner , the head of department .
22 A fifteen-year-old girl having her first baby is twice as likely to live at the poverty level than a nineteen-year-old first-time mother .
23 In their study of Yorkshire during the 1984–5 strike , for example , Winterton and Winterton ( 1989 : see also Waddington et al. , 1990 ) found that the strike breakers were more likely to live outside the mining communities , thereby producing a geography whereby the strike was strongest ( and longest ) in the pits whose labour came mainly from local , closed communities : in Nottinghamshire , of course , the opposite occurred , with the closed communities being solid against the strike .
24 Maori children were significantly more likely to live in the North Island , ( χ 2 =100 , df=4 , p<0.001 ) , have lower socioeconomic status ( χ 2 =133 , df=2 , p<0.001 ) , have an unmarried mother ( χ 2 =247 , df=1 , p<0.001 ) , have a mother who had left school young ( χ 2 =78 , df=2 , p<0.001 ) , and have a mother young at the birth of the infant ( χ 2 =130 , df=3 , p<0.001 ) ( table I ) .
25 FRANK FRAZER assesses what impact the Budget changes are likely to have on the North Sea 's oil industry
26 MARRIAGES which involve a partner who has been married before are more likely to end in the divorce courts than ones between two people who have never before been up the aisle .
27 There was disappointment , however , as it became clear that none of the 10 water companies are likely to get into the FTSE index of the hundred biggest companies .
28 Such legislative changes are seen as necessary ( by government in particular ) to curb abuses of privilege ( by improper disclosure of information ) and confidentiality , and more is likely to get onto the statute books as appreciation and concern grows of the power and damage that information can wield .
29 THE qualifying pattern of the 1995 WORLD CUP is likely to change at the IRB meeting in Wellington , if the proposals worked out by World Cup Director Russ Thomas are accepted .
30 Dave Higgins , who missed Friday 's match with a stomach complaint , is likely to return to the Rovers defence but other changes will be at a minimum .
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