Example sentences of "likely [prep] [be] [vb pp] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both the sample and the responders are likely to be biased in favour of those of higher social and educational status .
2 Programs Affected : the sub-system and programs likely to be amended in order to expedite the change
3 As a result , an accused person in Dorset ( for example ) is 10 times more likely to be remanded in custody than a similar person in Bedfordshire .
4 The Home Office Statistical Bulletin 6/89 ( Home Office 1989c ) found black defendants were more likely to be remanded in custody than white defendants , yet a higher proportion were subsequently acquitted .
5 This possibility is not likely to be challenged in workaday uses of language .
6 The file organisation method chosen for some files could even be serial or sequential , particularly if the data is likely to be accessed in batch mode .
7 ‘ Despite the variation in language of the various judges , the principle of Donoghue v. Stevenson [ [ 1932 ] A.C. 562 ] as appears from the examination of these authorities imposes tortious liability on a person who performs some careless act which may injure any person whom he should reasonably have had in contemplation as being likely to be injured in consequence of his carelessness and who in fact is injured by his careless act .
8 Over the range of moisture contents likely to be reached in air the lateral dimensions of wood can thus change between five and ten per cent , that is up to an inch on a ten-inch-wide plank .
9 In a thorough interview , it will be necessary to anticipate and address the issues , such as contributory negligence , the weight of the evidence and the credibility of the witness , that are likely to be raised in cross-examination .
10 Some months ago , a reader sent me a copy of the form she 'd received from the States , but I was then advised this was n't likely to be honoured in law .
11 This position , actual or potential for all women , leads to a version of the self which is more likely to be defined in relationship and which therefore implies certain commitments or responsibilities which can hardly be denied .
12 In practice , a variety of perspectives is likely to be employed in analysis of global politics , although the need for refinement of existing models and development of alternatives is evident .
13 It may therefore be assumed that a manager is maintaining an adequate policy if the competitive position is being maintained and projections indicate that it is likely to be maintained in future .
14 A school which is seen to be supporting its clients is much more likely to be supported in turn , by the community it is there to serve .
15 How long is the man likely to be kept in hospital ?
16 The formal aspects of code switching ( 1 ) are most likely to be studied in isolation from the others .
17 Through events of different kinds we are likely to be put in touch with aspects of ourselves which previously have been overlooked — we are given a jolt , and have to make a bridge between how things used to be and how they threatened .
18 Before beginning to draft , the drafter should make sure that he/she has to hand all the information likely to be required in order to draft the terms .
19 I thought that certainty is more likely to be found in mathematics than elsewhere .
20 Within Japan the robot is increasingly likely to be found in use outside its traditional manufacturing environment , with domestic shipments to the non-manufacturing sector up 50% last year .
21 While its primary purpose is to advise local authorities , the guidance adds flesh to the statutory bones of the Children Act and is likely to be quoted in court proceedings .
22 DESPITE forecasts last August that this would be the most competitive rugby league season in history , the only issues likely to be left in doubt tomorrow night are who will accompany Swinton down into the Second Division next season and the final line-up for the Premiership competitions .
23 In a society such as ours , populations more likely to be controlled in part through criminalization ,
24 ‘ The DTI does not under-estimate the problems likely to be encountered in respect of some of these blocks and so it has not offered any acreage which it believes would be impossible or completely impractical to explore .
25 ‘ to give rise to apprehension for the safety of any person ( or property ) or ’ False reports that a person is missing from home or that a bomb is in a building ( which is more likely to be encountered in practice ) come under this point .
26 However there is little hope that the above six laws , or any reasonable extension of them , will be adequate for every problem likely to be encountered in practice .
27 The following sections discuss those provisions which are most likely to be encountered in practice .
28 The first works best at high speeds , such as those in many water-channel experiments ; the second and third at intermediate speeds ; and the last at the low speeds likely to be encountered in convection and rotating fluid experiments .
29 The issues it raises are likely to be addressed in evidence and also in reports provided to the court by the guardian ad litem and others .
30 One of the items that is least likely to be individualised in hospital is the timing of meals .
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