Example sentences of "after [pron] [verb] been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , after she had been joined by two others whose grasp of the English language was as poor as hers , they booked in to two rooms .
2 Mrs Ferrari employed Withers after she 'd been recruited by a child minding agency by pretending she was a qualified maternity nurse .
3 Plans for the so-called " three gorges dam " on the Yangtze river were reportedly resurrected in August 1990 over a year after they had been shelved by the Chinese government [ see also p. 37003 ] .
4 The phrase " freedom of the press " was the chant of the mob which carried courageous publishers in triumph through the streets of London after they had been acquitted by juries for seditious attacks on George III and his ministers .
5 In recent years the British Government has attempted to extradite terrorist suspects from Belgium and The Netherlands after they had been discovered by British intelligence .
6 The tyres on the locomotive 's driving wheels were found to be of different sizes after they had been reprofiled by a well-known company in South Wales .
7 Bad policies in the past may continue to cause problems , long after they have been replaced by good ones .
8 I know for a fact that these nets were back in the river , in the hands of poachers , a very short time after they have been captured by the commission . ’
9 These later developments were aided by the Bass brewery group taking a 27 per cent stake in the company in 1985 — after it had been sought by Grand Metropolitan , another leisure grouping .
10 Nor can I forgive her for having blocked Moira 's appointment as BBC Governor for the Arts after it had been cleared by the Home Office .
11 For myself , I would let the others go on to the caves and pass the time instead above ground in the large riverside village of Saint-Pé ( the Gascon form of Pierre ) -de-Bigorre , which has a nicely arcaded square and a few pleasing remains of its old abbey church , once the grandest religious building in the Pyrenees but now part in effect of the dull parish church that later replaced it , after it had been fired by Protestant arsonists in the Wars of Religion .
12 Train services on the Esk Valley line were delayed for a short time and the Sprinter train was allowed to continue its journey after it had been examined by experts .
13 Settlement of the disagreement was only announced on Feb. 15 after it had been ratified by the Cabinet and the ANC executive committee .
14 Doubts remain about the saga of four men who spent 118 days drifting atop their upturned trimaran after it had been flipped by a huge wave before being washed up on an island near Auckland .
15 A new draft constitution was published on June 6 , after it had been approved by committee of the Little Hural ( standing body of the parliament ) on May 25 .
16 In March only President Truman 's veto prevented the inclusion of Spain in the list of recipients of Marshall Plan aid , after it had been approved by Congress .
17 Earlier this year , Frankë 's manager Jake Fior went to see Virgin about revitalising the cut after it had been sampled by Sweden 's Swemix crew under the Sound Factory banner and released to some success under its original title .
18 The Labour Party regained its self-confidence , lost after it had been deserted by its leaders , who formed a National government and then heavily defeated it in a general election in 1931 .
19 Of course , it is different if we intervene solely to restore the material condition of a work of art after it has been damaged by external forces such as an accident or vandalism .
20 At percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography bile is often sampled on initial puncture of the liver at a site distant from the stricture whereas at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography sampling is usually carried out at the site of the stricture after it has been disrupted by insertion of an endoprosthesis .
21 Companies should publish their statements of compliance only after it has been reviewed by the auditors .
22 In order to enact a Bill on any matter , all that is necessary is that Commissioners , acting on Her Majesty 's behalf , grant the Royal Assent to the Bill after it has been passed by the House of Commons and the House of Lords .
23 A final dividend can only be paid after it has been approved by the shareholders at a general meeting and Resolution 2 seeks such approval .
24 ‘ I 'll believe that when I 've seen the boat 's log , ’ said Neil drily , ‘ and only then after it 's been checked by an expert .
25 The England international sent goalkeeper Jan Stejskal the wrong way after he had been tripped by the keeper as he chased a weak back pass into the penalty area .
26 Later , after he had been influenced by certain paintings by Cézanne , Picasso began to treat solid forms in a more arbitrary , empirical or experimental fashion and to explore the possibilities of representing them without the aid of traditional perspective .
27 The Director of Public Prosecutions , Sir Allan Green , resigned on Oct. 3 after he had been stopped by police while talking to a prostitute in a London " red-light " district .
28 Stephen owed his election as ban in 1322 to the Bogomils , but after he had been persuaded by the Hungarian king to submit to Rome , the Bogomils looked to Tsar Dušan of Serbia for help .
29 But , after he had been persuaded by the princes , he later performed it .
30 For him , life began to turn on a Sunday evening two weeks ago in his Bratislava prison cell after he had been pardoned by the country 's president , Mr Gustav Husak .
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