Example sentences of "found their [noun sg] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Betty and George found their support in the local day centre , Jill from a relative 's support group and Gladys through a care attendant scheme that relieved her responsibilities for a few hours each day .
2 Others , on the judge delegate courts , found their way through the Five Compilations into the Decretales of 1234 .
3 Later , of course , engines of the Stirling and Ivatt vintage found their way down the single line branch .
4 Scarabs , beads , pendants , and ivories found their way to the Minoan temple sites .
5 It is intriguing to wonder how some of the emigrants found their way to the outlandish places in which they settled , or how Ayrshire names came to be given to spots which are amongst the most isolated on earth .
6 Religions , cults , sects and mystery schools from other parts of the Empire — notably from Greece , from Syria , from Egypt , from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor — also found their way to the Holy Land , struck roots and flourished .
7 Others found their way into the western reaches of Argyll , also using shore caves as a base from which they went out seasonally fishing , hunting and gathering fruit , nuts and birds ' eggs .
8 Some of its recommendations were accepted and found their way into the Legal Aid Act 1988 .
9 The rivermen were finding it hard ; the scramble for work was becoming more and more intense as family debts grew and many valued and treasured items found their way into the local pawnshops .
10 Birkenhead , Wirral 's principal town , was dubbed ‘ Smack City ’ by The Observer and apocryphal stories about heroin in school dinners and 5 wraps in ice-cream cornets on sale outside primary schools , first constructed in the popular Press , soon found their way into the worthy Times Educational Supplement ( 9 March 1984 ) .
11 The principal movements that found their way into the full orchestral suite have ben heard too often to allow much deviation in interpretation , but in the other , rarer music , Pons is far freer with his tempi than Izquierdo , possibly because there is no narration overlaying the music .
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