Example sentences of "therefore [vb -s] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This therefore involves a difficult journey through psychoanalytic theories and categories .
2 A war boar rider therefore receives an extra bonus onto his save roll , +2 rather than +1 for other cavalry mounts such as horses and wolves .
3 This case therefore represents a major inroad on the exclusionary rule : see also Owens Bank Ltd. v. Bracco [ 1992 ] 2 A.C. 443 .
4 The current application ( No. 2281/92 ) therefore represents a minor increase in capacity from 23 to 28 houses for Phase 2 .
5 To extrapolate from the fact that some forms of literacy practice develop explicitness to a theory that literacy is intrinsically capable of being culture-free and therefore represents an evolutionary advance in intellectual power , as some of the writers we have been examining do , is to take literacy out of the very context that enabled it to develop explicitness .
6 The lexicon therefore offers a critical domain in which to observe the process of language acquisition in children .
7 It therefore plays an important part in the extent of the vocabulary acquired for use in everyday living .
8 The depositional patterns are governed by the lateral heat flow phenomenon and this therefore plays an indirect role in the disposition and regional development of prospective reservoir sandstones within the Barren Measures .
9 The town therefore contains a wide variety of household employment structures , ranging from those where both married partners are in full-time employment , through part-time employment , and unemployment , to non-employment ( this last including sick , retired , keeping house , caring for dependents , etc . ) .
10 Each therefore needs a different type of contract .
11 It therefore needs an abundant supply of nature 's essential rehydrating fluid — water — to keep it soft and supple .
12 The detective therefore has a legitimate target in the thief ( again the metaphor is based in militarism ) ; and this is currently reinforced by the politics of materialism .
13 Finally , the committee recommends , the US should be No 1 where a ‘ field affects other areas of science disproportionately and therefore has a multiplicative effect on other scientific advances ’ .
14 It therefore has a central place in the development of psychoanalytic theory .
15 Its great merit is that it is not confined to particular activities , and therefore has an across-the-board application to different sources of endangerment .
16 The development of bird song therefore has an abstract similarity with the development of chick pecking which we discussed earlier .
17 Althusser therefore defends a circular method of enquiry .
18 Quantum mechanics therefore introduces an unavoidable element of unpredictability or randomness into science .
19 The introduction of a local income tax therefore requires a major reform to income tax and one that points in the opposite direction to the recent individualisation of tax — with separate assessment for husbands and wives .
20 I 'd like to comment on Mr Grigson 's table , in particular the figure proposed for Ryedale , er his figure is based on the assumption that because Selby gets the new settlement it therefore gets a corresponding reduction in house building elsewhere in the Greater York portion of Selby .
21 It therefore forms a vertical subset of an existing table by extracting columns .
22 The combination of depositional and diagenetic fabrics therefore creates a complex texture within a sediment , representing both sedimentation events and events which have taken place during diagenesis .
23 It does not ensure that the buyer will acknowledge the debt or indeed settle the invoice when due and therefore demands a great deal of trust between both parties .
24 And as we believe that erm the earth and the sun were formed at the same time , so we 're starting to know a lot more about the original material from which the sun and the earth were formed , and here we find that it 's just full of prebiotic molecules which we did not know beforehand and therefore puts a different perspective on what we think the earth 's early atmosphere might have been .
25 The Profitboss therefore puts an immense amount of work into determining his final position prior to the negotiation .
26 It therefore becomes a little universe of independent reality in revolt from God and the rest of time , and able to fence itself off from the lessons of the past and the demands of the future .
27 Brunnson therefore does an excellent job of distinguishing between the formulation and implementation of ideologies , helping us to begin to see how corporate rational analysis and the organizational perspectives may fit together , but his thesis does not sufficiently recognize the degree to which both rationality and negotiation may still underlie the establishment of his ideologies .
28 Their ‘ peace process ’ is likely to be , primarily , an avenue for those strategic goals , and therefore remains an alternative method to war , whereby rivals may be worsted and allies strengthened .
29 BSL therefore provides a great deal of aspectual information directly for the receiver , while English sets out the same story in a different way , allowing alteration of event structure without destroying meaning .
30 The Feoda therefore provides a revealing glimpse of aristocratic society in Champagne ; its full potential as a source has recently been exploited by Evergates .
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