Example sentences of "themselves [adj] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However you view the almost indecent haste of sports organisations in South Africa to make themselves acceptable to the outside world , it is up to the individual governments to lift their own exclusions .
2 This can be expressed through disputes between high-bourgeois individuals , themselves acceptable to the legal system as with the Guildford Four , who , partly as a result of international pressure , had highly placed clerics and members of the judiciary supporting their release .
3 Some of these arguments were overstated ; nevertheless , power in the Senate in that era was , without doubt , highly centralized with most leading positions held by senior conservatives , or by those who made themselves acceptable to the ruling élite .
4 Eventually teachers were able to shake themselves free of the legal requirement to supervise at lunchtime , though the responsibility tor the good management of the school during the break still remains with the headteacher .
5 Indeed , the more recent history of pension provision shows more concern on the part of both governments and occupational pension providers to increase widows ' benefits ( themselves symbolic of the financial dependence of wives in marriage ) , than to help women build up their own occupational pension records .
6 Hired to get evidence on the mistress of an older man who has supposedly cheated on him , Diquet and his girl-Friday Leone find themselves involved in a strange plot that involves wartime collaboration and a fabulous diamond .
7 ‘ It illustrates the gulf that is developing and the problems clubs lower down the scale have keeping themselves viable on a full-time basis .
8 Some of these representatives by sheer ability and drive make themselves indispensable to the successful working of the machine ; others merely represent points of view which come into conflict with it .
9 The staff of Pravda , the leading Soviet newspaper , declared themselves independent of the Communist Party and published their first non-partisan issue on 31 August .
10 In the case of religious education the right of withdrawal is statutory and governors are recommended to make themselves familiar with the special status which is accorded to this subject in the national curriculum .
11 Both leaders expressed themselves pleased with the symbolic importance of the visit , and a joint communiqué , signed late on April 18 , expressed a desire to " promote mutual relations " in trade and other spheres .
12 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
13 Wonderful Members of Parliament , who , little more than twenty years before , had made themselves merry with the wild railroad theories of engineers , and given them the liveliest rubs in cross-examination , went down into the north with their watches in their hands , and sent on messages before by the electric telegraph , to say that they were coming Night and day the conquering engines rumbled at their distant work , or advancing smoothly to their journey 's end , and gliding like tame dragons into the allotted corners grooved out to the inch for their reception , stood bubbling and trembling there , making the walls quake , as if they were dilating with the secret knowledge of great powers yet unsuspected in them , and strong purposes not yet achieved .
14 so much for the Italian job Gloucester are back home training this week and getting themselves ready for the first league match of the season … that 's against wasps at Kingsholm on saturday ( 1 )
15 Now the only Central South side left in the cup are Gloucester … this saturday they face Orrell in the quarter finals of the Pilkington … at the weekend the Cherry and Whites got themselves ready for the big game by beating Bristol … the score at the Memorial Ground was Bristol seven Gloucester nineteen
16 I think that here they were undertaking an additional obligation or rendering themselves liable to an increased detriment .
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