Example sentences of "themselves [adv] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Could it be , thought Henry , as a shower of yams , bottled gherkins and packets of pastrami disgorged themselves on to the red-tiled floor of the kitchen , that his present bouts of cultural amnesia were a response to his mother 's extravagant hopes for him ?
2 among anthropologists and among philosophers but I dare say that most readers of this book would like to situate themselves somewhere on the Epicurean side of the fence ; so would I , but the intellectual difficulties which flow from that position are very great .
3 ‘ Idolo , my hero , I am 'ere ! ’ yelled a busty blonde through cupped hands , earning herself a wave from Juan and dirty looks from both Sharon and Mrs Juan , who had stationed themselves grimly on the halfway line , surrounded by supporters .
4 Some needed only to know that we existed — that was enough for them to throw themselves wholeheartedly into the gay life .
5 They can no longer concern themselves only with the technical aspect of class-room steps and poses .
6 For the tribal stage , in particular , they base themselves only on the vaguest generalization as gathered probably from philosophical treatises .
7 Exhausted front seven hours of nonstop toil , the brothers flung themselves down on the red soil in the shade along with the other fifteen hundred coolies of the plantation and lay like dead men .
8 Sometimes on their fronts , sometimes on their backs , sometimes half standing , they threw themselves down to the damp coils below .
9 A huge amount of political and industrial restructuring will have to take place as the east European states shake themselves down into the national structures that most suit their individual aspirations .
10 And in particular the position of Paisley and the DUP was enhanced by having done enough to prove themselves implacably opposed to appeasement of ‘ rebels ’ while distancing themselves sufficiently from the working-class loyalists to avoid the opprobrium of being closely associated with thugs and gangsters .
11 There were seven of us sharing the place , the Carters ' eldest son and his girlfriend having invited themselves along at the last moment , and their movements were completely unpredictable .
12 My uncle in the evening had read aloud something where the line was quoted The child is father to the man and these words insinuated themselves not into the stony ground and thistles of my mind but into the dark rich soil that brings forth a hundred fold .
13 And , as a bonus , the pubs stay open so revellers can drink themselves merrily into the new year .
14 Some newcomers have been indifferent to the sensibilities of the local population ; others , as we shall see , have been oversensitive to what they believe the needs of the village to be-In each case the effect has been the same : members of the former occupational community , faced with an invasion of ‘ their ’ village by outsiders , have tended to retreat in upon themselves and form a community within a community , cutting themselves off from the separate world of the newcomers .
15 We may expect new conventions governing syntactic combinations — in our example the Subject-Object-Verb complex — to establish themselves quickly in the evolving language of any group whose members are bright enough to tumble to the meanings of such innovations .
16 Entry into the EC challenged parliamentary sovereignty ; the growth of direct action and extra-parliamentary politics in Northern Ireland and on the mainland challenged the rule of law and the stability of the liberal-democratic state ; the ups-and-downs of nationalism in Wales and Scotland challenged the unitary state and threatened the break-up of Britain ; the use of referenda [ popular and direct votes on issues ] revealed the crumbling legitimacy attaching to the indirect democracy of voting for people to parliament ; the conventions underpinning cabinet government were buffeted by a trend to " open government " that weakened collective responsibility and Cabinet solidarity ; and developments within the Labour Party have had constitutional implications at the self-same time as the Liberals and SDP have sought to imprint themselves directly onto the British constitution with proposals for radical constitutional change including proportional representation .
17 Governors need to inform themselves thoroughly about the current state of the school building before they accept responsibility for it .
18 The British people have chosen to dispose themselves unevenly across the national space .
19 In an attempt to grab the Republicans ' ‘ hot-button ’ issue , the Democrats are now dressing themselves up as the anti-quota party .
20 Founded in 1971 DIOK have built themselves up as the strongest outfit in Holland and were Dutch champions in 1981 , 1989 , 1990 , 1991 and 1992 .
21 " Returnees " were told that they would be well treated on giving themselves up to the local authorities .
22 Separate toilets for younger children , staggered playtimes or separate playgrounds for under-fives also mark schools that are really gearing themselves up to the educational needs of these younger pupils .
23 The rest divided themselves up amongst the remaining transport and set off with only enough petrol to cover the 400 miles to Jalo .
24 I offer my congratulations to the workers and management of Yarrow , who have picked themselves up after the bitter disappointment of losing the last order , despite having built the first of class and many of the subsequent ships .
25 Normally , financial troubles and scandals around money visit players late in their lives , when their playing days are over and they are rehabilitating themselves back into the real world .
26 It was assumed , incorrectly as we now know , that water undertakers would concern themselves mainly with the technical feasibility of the proposal .
27 But though this hope might be enough for some who were actually to lift themselves out of the working class , and perhaps also for a greater number who never got beyond dreaming of success as they read Samuel Smiles 's Self-Help ( 1859 ) or similar handbooks , it was perfectly evident that most workers would remain workers all their lives , and indeed that the economic system required them to do so .
28 The rise in local politics over recent years is not just the passive outcome of national forces working themselves out at the local level .
29 The class structure is becoming dominated by the knowledge mercenaries who hire themselves out to the feudal barons of top management and state agencies , each of whom is as good as the last battle .
30 But most of those fighting girls have sold themselves out to the big operators , and work the male kick themselves , clitoris or no clitoris .
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