Example sentences of "themselves [prep] the [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Racial and economic tensions related to the immigration issue also manifested themselves during the early months of 1990 .
2 Even these , during most of their existence , contain 46 ( each a replica of one of the 46 in the original fertilised ovum ) , but at the moment of final cell division into recognisable sperm or ova the chromosomes , in of dividing , distribute themselves between the two halves of the dividing cell .
3 Blocked mobility into consultant grades forced the GPs to organise themselves through the Royal College of General Practitioners .
4 The Kurds see themselves as the forgotten people of modern times , although few have forgotten the name of the best-known Kurd of all — Salahuddin or Saladin .
5 They described themselves as the forgotten people of Chile .
6 The Communists saw themselves as the only alternative to the Labour , Liberal and Conservative Parties .
7 After all we were all leading aircraftsmen on the course and the officer element were acting pilot officers on probation who generally referred to themselves as the lowest form of animal life within the RAF .
8 In searching for publications this will give a skewed result for those supervisors who always name themselves as the first author in multi-authored works .
9 The delegates , again often chosen by public meetings , saw themselves as the aroused mass of principled antislavery , cutting across the political and religious differences of their communities .
10 The group issued an angry statement alleging that the authors are ‘ obsessive fans misrepresenting themselves as the authorised biographers of Nirvana ’ .
11 Further attempts at fostering were not tried , and the residential workers saw themselves as the main people in Michael 's life .
12 But senior party figures will privately be far from unhappy ; a Labour victory would have destroyed their long-term goal of establishing themselves as the main opposition to the Conservatives .
13 But senior party figures privately will be far from unhappy ; a Labour victory would have destroyed their long-term goal of establishing themselves as the main opposition to the Conservatives .
14 The object of parody in Between is not so much theories and belief systems themselves as the linguistic manoeuvres by which they attempt to convince .
15 Indeed there is no doubt that in overthrowing capitalism , and seeing it as the source of all modern evils , the Soviets saw themselves as the true heirs of the Enlightenment .
16 They tend to consider themselves as the true bearers of Islam , forgetting that four out every five Muslims are not Arabs .
17 The magnates saw themselves as the natural counsellors of the king , and argued in the Boulogne agreement and in the petition against the Despensers that they had a duty to act to protect the realm if the king was being led by unwise counsel .
18 A fortnight later they announced themselves as the Provisional Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and a few days after that , on 2 September , as the climax to weeks of stupendous political demonstrations , Vietnam declared its independence .
19 When Elizabeth 's mother and sister had gone to Leeds , Elizabeth and George had the house to themselves for the first time since the early days of their marriage .
20 People who hear themselves for the first time on a tape-recorder often find it hard to believe that the stranger talking is actually them .
21 We will be dealing with all of those existing clients in terms of reassessing both their care needs and their financial ability to contribute to whatever package of care they 're getting , as well as taking on board all the new ones who present themselves for the first time in nineteen ninety four , five .
22 The speaker in the afternoon was Sue Beardon , of Voluntary Action-Leeds , and she helped delegates understand what they must do to prepare themselves for the new ways of working .
23 The picture , measured by the statistics , has not changed significantly since the Budget a month ago , but consumers who had braced themselves for the biggest cut in living standards ever imposed at a single stroke suddenly find themselves spared .
24 In comprehension , children might already be aware that different speakers used different terms for instances of the same category , bird and oiseau say , but they might still be unsure for themselves of the specific conditions under which a speaker used one or other term .
25 Cooperators can not expect to protect themselves against the threatened attack of the opposing forces without carefully preparing a united plan of campaign , in the same way that the Labour Party has mobilised its battalions …
26 But protecting themselves against the deadly virus by practising safer sex is another matter .
27 Ninety per cent of the places go to package rafting firms which means that independent spirits can not pit themselves against the boiling waters of the Colorado .
28 Small powers seek also to come to terms with a particular great power either to guarantee themselves against the overwhelming strength of another great power or in order to prevent the great power in question from asserting its strength more directly and imperiously over them …
29 This enables a community of humans to cooperate in working together to protect themselves against the worst effects of nature , and to obtain greater security than would otherwise be possible .
30 The trees stooped groundward under the weight of their snow-laden branches and the humans followed their daily work , once again pitting themselves against the inexorable forces of Nature .
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