Example sentences of "themselves [prep] [art] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Socialists need to redefine themselves as a definitively ex-Marxist party that is nevertheless keener on social fairness ( and better at keeping Greece green and clean ) than its conservative rival .
2 Members of most non-Western societies regard themselves as the most superior form of being , in possession of the most desirable qualities .
3 The boiler-suit stage was completed in Chorzow on Wednesday , when Bobby Robson 's team made sure of a place in Italy next summer with a goalless draw , their third in six qualifying matches ; having kept a clean sheet in the other three , all won , they are entitled to regard themselves as the most workmanlike team in Europe .
4 Moreover , union objectives and orientations are themselves of an extremely diverse nature between different countries and they require further elucidation .
5 They had to abandon the privatisation of nuclear power , leaving themselves with a highly monopolistic structure .
6 it was very much a composite host , consisting of the Earl 's own feudal manpower , the levies required by the crown , for the support of the Warden , from Border lairds , and bands of assorted mosstroopers belonging to various clans who found it profitable and expedient to ally themselves with the most powerful figure in South-East Scotland , the assembly at Holywell Haugh amounting to about three thousand .
7 Fourth , there was anxiety over the extent to which the Gulf states , whether formal belligerents or not , had been arming themselves with the most advanced weaponry available from a wide range of sources .
8 Instead , they got themselves into a thoroughly embarrassing mess , saying they accepted Gatting 's statement that nothing improper had taken place but sacking him all the same .
9 According to FMLN sources , the plan envisaged giving the guerrillas full administrative control over their zone in a " transitional period " , until peace talks produced a final accord which would allow them to disarm and convert themselves into a purely political movement .
10 The competition was , alas , horrific , as they had ill-advisedly placed themselves in a predominantly female quarter of the hall , where few boys were bold enough to venture .
11 This plays upon the naturally alienistic attitudes of hearing parents who desperately want their deaf children to speak because of parental fear of physical expression and the implications of having to express themselves in a predominantly physical mode in order to achieve basic communication .
12 But some anurans defend themselves in a more active way .
13 But the IRA characterise themselves in a more discernible form , participating in movements of national liberation from colonialist powers in recognisable patterns of nineteenth- and twentieth-century political experience .
14 In the present situation , the officers find themselves in a very difficult position , I can not imagine an officer saying no to a member and this is what has happened if we run out of money , then the very thing that we are seeking to do , in other words to implement the democratic process to allow people to come to meetings and speak will go by the way , and I can remember some time ago when I was a new member on here saying I would be prepared to attend property sub-committee briefings as a deputy and not be paid and I was very smartly brought up by a friend in the labour group who said that 's all right for you , you can afford it , but it 's not alright for some of us 'cause we can't. and the difficulty is if we run out of money and we either have to stop the allowances or we have to slash the allowances , yeah , knows who it was , we have to slash the allowances , then legitimately people will be able to say that the democratic process is being stifled because they are not going to be allowed to go to meetings , and therefore , I think that situations whereby a member attends to speak to a , an item , a specific item and then stays on for a double length meetings and claims double length allowances that sort of thing has got to be stopped , and also members attending just to nod approval at something that has happened that they 've been associated with , that should stop , if they want to come they should come at their own expense .
15 The emergent divisions of labour in industrialised society were also a prime means by which modern societies were still sustaining themselves in a relatively conflict-free way .
16 With the slump in building work , the market forces reversed and contractors found themselves in a fiercely competitive market with tenders very keenly priced .
17 They can even identify with it and incorporate it inside themselves in a less monstrous form .
18 For many years before 1914 private house owners had been hit by an increasing share of rate levy , at a time when the costs of urban government were rising ; from the 1880s landlords found themselves in an increasingly difficult situation as demand fell and the burden of local taxation mounted .
19 At last they were all free and she pushed the material impatiently aside , her fingers losing themselves in the gloriously thick mat of dark curling hair on his powerful chest .
20 Nathalie Sarraute had never been prepared to accept his insistence on pure textuality , and both Robbe-Grillet and Claude Simon sought to distance themselves from the increasingly over-rigid application of his theories .
21 Within Protestantism a shift occurred — away from the exegetical principles of the Reformers themselves toward a more legalistic attitude .
22 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
23 But it is unlikely — despite disclosure of business rules — that the less aware will not find themselves on a spectacularly high-risk syndicate which had in the past played safe .
24 They 're promoting themselves to a very significant extent on the basis that they 're selling at cheaper prices to the public .
25 As we have seen , such organisations tend to be dominated by formal rules and by committees which may lend themselves to the more autocratic style of leadership .
26 No better example can be given than by citing the careers of Tamara Karsavina and Margot Fonteyn , both of whom worked with many different choreographers as well as submitting themselves to the severely classical discipline of the older Petipa repertoire .
27 Until the American and French Revolutions Bentham and other utilitarians hoped that they could persuade apparently enlightened rulers or despots to commit themselves to the self-evidently admirable aim of increasing the sum and the spread of human well-being .
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