Example sentences of "themselves [verb] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And should the current two vacancies within the Windsor firm find themselves listed at the local Job Centre it 's impossible to calculate how many of the nation 's three million unemployed might apply .
2 The minority who do find themselves embroiled in the criminal justice system are usually involved in petty crime such as shoplifting , casual theft , prostitution and minor public order offences rather than violent crime , and may become frequent offenders — magistrates complain that they see a procession of recidivist minor offenders in whom unemployment , poverty , poor intellect , long-standing emotional and social difficulties and a wide range of mental health problems are compounded .
3 Trends have since changed , however , and Mudhoney have forced themselves to jump on the major label bandwagon , if only to survive .
4 They would sip sherry or port , nibble at the nuts and raisins and allow themselves to wallow in the warm softness .
5 Even those men , such as Bert Cooke and John Douglas , who were later critical of ministers becoming professional politicians , found themselves acting in the political arena as they tried to explain to an increasingly interested audience why their spiritual leader was being sent to prison .
6 As a result , because they saw descent groups as enlarged families , something which Marx and Engels had themselves done in The German Ideology , but which they later emphatically rejected , Marx saw writers such as Maine arguing that monogamy , the subjugation of women , the nuclear family and private property were ineluctable basic principles in the nature of man .
7 The courthouse windows were open but the radiators below them were hot ; it took several hours for any changes in setting to make themselves felt through the massive heating system , and it was impossible to keep up with the irrational temperament of the month .
8 jack Carey , who was an explorer as well as a student of Oriental languages , had promised to take them to the most remote corners of the earth some day , and they had often pictured themselves camping in the silent desert , or following some ancient track to a ruined city which had once been great .
9 ( This , of course , would require that the results of such a check are themselves compared with the visual representation , for otherwise pseudo-homophones would never be correctly rejected as non-words ) .
10 In the flat land of the Delta the babies cry themselves to sleep in the airless shade , while everyone else labours in the scintillating sun .
11 The point that the so-called professions themselves appeal to the moral status of their work is well argued in a recent paper on the creation of a professional ideology in the nineteenth century .
12 Within the modern academy , English is treated with respect , though those teaching it may feel themselves impaled on the perennial dilemma of making it appear either a soft option or inhumanely technical and jargon-ridden .
13 Rural councils have found themselves hamstrung by the centralized control of local authority expenditure ( particularly during the periods of economic stagnation and crisis ) and , in the case of housing , by the imposition of cost yardsticks which rarely take account of the peculiar difficulties which many rural councils face from the heavier costs incurred in housing provision in remote areas .
14 3 But it also makes sense to say that the British constitution is what the authorities say it should be because their views on these matters help to police everyday political practice , pulling it into line with the constitutional theory which they themselves advance as the proper way to conduct politics .
15 I have a list here of people in my particular part of the profession who have pledged themselves to assist with the great drive forward for the seventy fifth anniversary .
16 This , in fact , is a relatively small total compared to the hundreds which some man-eaters killed before they were themselves removed from the earthly scene .
17 Yet growing numbers of boyar and state peasants found themselves subjected to the harsh rule of small landowners .
18 We see ( again , particularly in the public sector ) institutions collectively framing their own mission statements , as they seek to define the particular role they see themselves fulfilling in the national system of higher education .
19 They simply find themselves categorised by the limp thinking of economic commentators .
20 The invited speakers are either themselves practising in the clinical area or currently speaking or writing about childbirth matters .
21 Long experience has taught many Irishmen that they will not get from authorities national and local the benefits and services to which they consider themselves entitled without the kindly intervention of some influential personage .
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