Example sentences of "enough [to-vb] [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Seals have almost spherical lenses and can not flatten them enough to see far through the air .
2 He found it and obviously felt at ease enough to go ahead with the appointment , ’ said Mr King .
3 Most of them would not go on , but three were brave enough to go down into the valley .
4 Shop manager , Jim Willcock 's been allowed home from hospital , but he 's not well enough to go back to the co-op in Cam .
5 ‘ Now they are working hard to get me fit enough to go back on the list — and they 're the only ones giving me hope , ’ says Anthony .
6 If this is the case the end of the U-wire is broad enough to sit comfortably in the palm of the hand .
7 Hot enough to sit out in the Piazza studded with big brown and green palms against the rose-coloured stucco of the buildings and perhaps try a first ricotta ice-cream .
8 The problem is to develop a device which as well as demonstrating a high degree of efficiency in converting wave energy into electricity , is also robust enough to stand up to the buffeting and corrosion of the sea .
9 He prophesied that there was no man or woman big enough to stand forever in the way of the Labour Party achieving their aims .
10 And for those determined enough to stand out from the crowd by virtue of understatement , that may well be enough .
11 In workplace after workplace we find exploited workers , frightened workers , vulnerable workers , but little chance of recognition no hope of check-off and no one brave enough to come forward as a steward .
12 But none of them had been interested enough to come up with an offer .
13 All you need for each one is a piece of knitting beginning with a hem at the wrist , wide enough to go round the hand and long enough to reach easily to the base of the fingers .
14 ‘ Find a stick long enough to reach up to the cab , ’ he said .
15 You stand a better chance if you put something with the Sunday and even then that might not be completely enough to reach down to the crevices , but I think some method , and that 's why I suggested surgeries actually , was that we have to talk regularly to people face to face and once you 're in a room with people then it goes , does n't it ?
16 Again I had to resort to cutting down her weight , so that she 'd be hungry enough to focus more on the food .
17 It should be small enough to be an effective policy , or decision-making group , but large enough to function effectively as a forum where the views and objectives of significant participants can be acknowledged .
18 This is near to 1.5mm , and it is soft enough to wrap tightly around the dowel , and accepts soft soldering for a neat fix .
19 As Negus , Tafari now felt powerful enough to press ahead with the reforms he had set his heart on ; but as he did so opposition intensified .
20 During the last ten years Britain has changed , very often for the worse , the nature of work has changed and we the trade union Movement have not changed fast enough to keep up with the pace .
21 This may be one or two characters in most commercial systems ( Tappert et al , 1990 ) , but need only be fast enough to keep up with the writing .
22 War boars are evil minded creatures that will take every opportunity to maim , bite , and kick their Orc masters but this does n't really bother the Orcs who are on the whole sensible enough to keep out of the way .
23 Steelworker hero Jeremy , 25 , said : ‘ I could n't believe he was daft enough to run straight into a castle .
24 It is not enough to switch off at the mains supply .
25 It is not enough to switch off at the mains supply or at the project 's on/off switch .
26 It was easy enough to hang around in the courtyard enjoying the soft splash of sunlight on her bare arms .
27 In summary , I am looking for a jacket which is wind and water proof , breathable , looks respectable enough to turn up at the office in , and offers conspicuity .
28 A barn owl is n't strong enough to hold tight to a glove in a strong wind .
29 First , Charles was highly-educated ( and here he seems to have benefited from his mother 's personal concern ) , not only sharing the interest of ecclesiastical contemporaries in theology and political ideas , but learned enough to pose convincingly as a philosopher-ruler and knowledgeable enough about Roman Law to attempt self-conscious emulation of Theodosius and Justinian in his own capitularies .
30 By twelve o'clock he had usually earned enough to live on for the day .
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