Example sentences of "mother ['s] [noun] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He went through hundreds of pounds of his mother 's money in a spending spree , buying friends extravagant gifts like computer games and going to amusement arcades .
2 She had been a mother 's help to a family in Hampshire , she had babysat through an agency in London , and had taken on cleaning jobs .
3 The hostility that siblings show can therefore commence at a very young age : 2-year-olds become increasingly adept at asking for mother 's help in a sibling conflict and can be quite explicit about what the sibling has done to them .
4 However , it was the local authority 's plan that there should be a period of assessment of the relationship between L. and her mother , the mother 's skills as a parent and her willingness to respond to counselling , and that a programme of rehabilitation should be entered into .
5 It is common for children to sense this underlying quality in their mothers , particularly during night-time visits ; a child may respond to its mother 's presence with a cry of : ‘ Go away , you witch !
6 Reinforcing this pleasant anticipation of married life were all her mother 's memories of a childhood spent in Portugal : of the golden beaches and blue skies , the friendly , gentle people who never went cattle raiding and who were content to live simple faithful lives .
7 The kitchen clock read six thirty , plenty of time to walk home to his mother 's cottage for a wash and a bit of breakfast .
8 Provided she had n't ruined her mother 's chances of a job and a home , her financial support was no longer needed .
9 Lucinda accepted her mother 's need for a Bainbridge heir and she understood her feelings of guilt , too , even though no one ever blamed her for the accident .
10 The hearing occupied the justices on 27 and 28 January 1992 , the second day being occupied largely with a consideration of the mother 's application for a contact order .
11 Since a residence order was in substance what the foster mother sought , it was agreed between counsel for her and the local authority : ( a ) that the local authority would not object to the foster mother 's application for a residence order being made before the expiry of the six months period ; ( b ) that the hearing before the judge should be treated as the hearing of that application ; ( c ) that if , in the event , the foster mother were to be given leave to apply for a residence order she would agree to the formal dismissal of her application for judicial review without any penalty as to costs ; but ( d ) that , if leave under the Act were to be refused , it would be open to the foster mother to continue the judical review proceedings .
12 In order that there should be no undue delay , the order of 20 December 1991 contemplated that the foster mother 's application for a residence order should be made , and the necessary preparatory steps taken notwithstanding the pendency of this appeal .
13 At the drink-up after their New York appearance , the band were hanging out with ex-Nymph INGRE LORRE , who invited them all back to her mother 's house for a Halloween party ( surely an offer not to be passed up ) .
14 The next day they charged Barry Moxton with the murder of his wife Mary and there was a picture on the front pages of him being led away with a blanket over his head and another of a policeman coming out of his mother 's house with a plastic bag that was said to contain his bloodstained and half-burned clothing , and a day or so after that Uncle Titch turned up in South Wales with his horse and cart where he said he 'd gone after a merry-go-round and did n't know what all the fuss was about , did n't know about any murder , did n't read the papers and was generally believed , at least by the people on the estate , because it was typical of Uncle Titch , and by that time the Queerfella who was queerer than any of them knew had made a full confession and it was all over bar the shouting and the trial , when he pleaded guilty and was sent down for life and everyone said he should have been hanged and pretended it had never once crossed their minds that it was Uncle Titch that done it .
15 It wo n't do him no harm to be out of his mother 's apron-strings fer a bit longer .
16 That , I was told , led to their claim , by agreement , being reduced now from £7,171.50 to £6,439.72 but , moreover , the claim that they put forward took no account of the fact that the second day of the hearing was occupied in consideration of the mother 's claim for a contact order as to which no possible complaint could be made against the local authority .
17 That was my mother 's suggestion for a bog roll
18 The demons of early agony of being abandoned when left alone for longer than we could bear it , the terror of being annihilated by a raging adult , the suffocating experience of being trapped in the tunnel of our mother 's body with a cord tightening round our neck … it is hard to face those feelings again .
19 Charles found his mother 's body in a bedroom at the luxurious thatched house .
20 In a striking image , Winnicott describes the mother 's face as a mirror in which the baby perceives the image not only of her/himself , but of the whole world into which she/he has been born .
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