Example sentences of "seems to have be [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Investment since 1979 also seems to have been influenced by historic designation as census tracts containing such areas saw more rehabilitation activity .
2 The present text , his first novel , strikes me as amusing , irritating , and impressive in about equal degrees , and for all I know it might well have been composed rather than written ; certainly it seems to have been constructed in 64 chapters based on the hexagrams of the I Ching — it is subtitled A Novel of Changes , in case anyone should miss this — with frequent references to Marco Polo 's own writings , in Ronald Latham 's Penguin translation .
3 The term ‘ carrier ’ seems to have been coined in Anglo-American legal discourse largely to aid in the assessment of liability for damage to cargo .
4 I am aware of the extensive experimental research which has focused on ion forms involving Ca++ Na+ etc2 , but what seems to have been missed in this prior research is the appreciation that water forms its own ion form in that it dissociates into hydroxyl and hydronium ions as listed on the table .
5 Certainly he came under such guidance from within his family which clashed with his own predilections , for his varsity life seems to have been plagued by vocational uncertainty and more than a touch of its weakening indifference .
6 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musical flaws .
7 Yet when so much of the writing seems to have been done on automatic pilot , with dozens of sequential passages of unashamed banality — even at the opening of the overture — this is a score that demands some injection whether of fire or persuasiveness in the performers , to make one forget the musi cal flaws .
8 In the UK little work of any description seems to have been done on human behaviour in the aftermath of releases of hazardous substances , nor is much available on public attitudes to emergency planning .
9 Work was interrupted by a fire in the palace in 1298 and little seems to have been done until 1320 , but Michael was occupied on other works for the Crown , being sent to Winchester Castle in 1306 .
10 In yeast , tRNA Asp lacks m 2 G at all these sites , but when yeast tRNA Asp is injected into X.laevis oocytes , G6 and G26 became modified to m 2 G. Although G10 was not modified in microinjected wt-like tRNA Asp ( mutant a ) , an m 2 G10-site seems to have been created in some of the other tRNA variants ( 20 ) .
11 The Rutland jurors again asserted that King John , who seems to have been cast by popular tradition as the villain of the piece , had afforested the greater part of the forest in that country , whereas it seems in fact to have been a creation of Henry I. In Exmoor , the Buckinghamshire part of Bernwood , Cumberland , Worcestershire and Wiltshire the perambulations of 1300 demanded more extensive disafforestments than ever before : more than half the forest area that remained in England was declared to be outside the ancient bounds .
12 His capacity for doing several jobs , and simultaneously , seems to have been formed during this period ; he was essentially full-time executive of the London Zoo and its appurtenances while moving from the Ministry of Defence to the Cabinet Office as the most senior and confidential adviser in sight , whence the reference to Pooh Bah .
13 This decision , to cease teacher training at the Polytechnic while allowing it to continue at West Glamorgan seems to have been based on political rather than educational considerations .
14 It seems to have been based on real understanding , but little real intimacy .
15 Before rising population and inflating prices for necessaries began to increase the burden on rate-payers from the last third of the century , the relief of the village and small-town poor seems to have been based on humane assessment of need and sufficient relief .
16 Sadler 's post of chemist seems to have been terminated in 1809 without compensation , leaving him in severe financial straits , but these were relieved by a subscription among his friends in Oxford .
17 Civilization , like the city of Venice , seems to have been built on unprepossessing ground .
18 The large Ionic Temple of Artemis at Sardis seems to have been built in three phases .
19 The Jesuit College of St Alban , an English seminary in Valladolid , this month celebrates the 400th anniversary of its foundation , the programme including Mass in Westminster Cathedral but , sadly , no return of the 1907 fixture with Real which the college won , though the result seems to have been lost in some priest-hole of history .
20 The words " in relation to " referred to in the third limb do not appear in the section but it seems to the author that the reference to " any benefit to him by contract or otherwise " must relate in some way to the gifted property , and a conclusion along those lines seems to have been drawn in some of the old estate duty cases ( see Chick v Commissioners of Stamp Duties [ 1958 ] AC 435 at 447 ) .
21 A LARGE and sumptuous Byzantine church , recently discovered in Istanbul , seems to have been modelled on biblical descriptions of the temple of Solomon at Jerusalem .
22 His uncle , sister , and brother can all be described as nationalists and although Ho seems to have been attracted at one point to the China of the 1911 Revolution , he chose instead to make his way to France where , having led an intellectually enriched but materially impoverished existence in Paris , he achieved some fame , or notoriety , among his fellow expatriates by attempting to present a list of Vietnamese grievances to Woodrow Wilson and the European statesmen who had gathered in 1919 at Versailles .
23 Your personal life seems to have been thrown into utter confusion ever since the lunar eclipse on August 6th cut across the money angles of your solar chart .
24 The crucial importance of the functions of convening and chairing meetings seems to have been overlooked by those who set it up , or else these duties were delegated to people who did their best in adverse circumstances but who may well have been inappropriate choices .
25 This aspect of his treatment therefore seems to have been managed with some success .
26 In 1910 the Executive decided that Law , who seems to have been suffering from nervous exhaustion , should be dismissed and sent Sir J. C. Compton Rickett to break the news to him .
27 A band stretching along the south bank of the Thames from Chalk to the Hoo peninsula , then along the Medway marshes , and across the river to the Isle of Sheppey seems to have been devoted to this process .
28 And yet erm what er what seems to have be going against that is that erm at least so far as is concerned , the proof is any theorem is a unique pathway .
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