Example sentences of "seems [to-vb] [vb pp] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Currently , the balance of power over these decisions seems to have swung in the artist 's favour .
2 The main thrust of colonial development seems to have followed in the wake of this major rebuilding programme , in the period between 1650 and 1500 BC .
3 Total output seems to have increased in the course of the reign ; the issuing of a larger proportion of half-pennies after 864 implies a growing demand for a smaller denomination of coin , usable for smaller transactions .
4 Elsewhere , the major infiltration seems to have occurred in the course of the fifteenth century : the Signet Office had a predominantly lay staff from 1437 , the Exchequer from 1500 , if not before . ’
5 One of the most remarkable events recorded in the geological record is the major nuclear explosion that seems to have occurred in the vicinity of the Oklo uranium mine in Gabon some 1800 million years ago .
6 Something of the kind seems to have happened in the case of the European communist parties ; thus Santiago Carrillo ( 1977 ) , in the passage quoted earlier , says plainly that ‘ the political system established in Western Europe … is in essentials valid ’ , and this is far removed from the outlook of some earlier Marxists — and of the members of a few left-wing groupuscules even today — who talk about ‘ smashing the bourgeois state ’ .
7 It is an unstructured corpus of independent observations which rarely go beyond what seems to have happened in the past .
8 In some set-piece frescoes , life-sized figures of men , bulls , and griffins were moulded in low relief ; this seems to have happened in the period 1550–1470 BC , but not later .
9 The idea of the Section d'Or seems to have originated in the course of conversations between Gleizes , Metzinger and Jacques Villon at Puteaux and Courbevoie .
10 The phrase seems to have originated in the world of baseball , although some authorities claim priority for an alternative connotation .
11 Fellows seems to have acted in the sale of the Grand Union to the Grand Junction , for in a letter to the Grand Union he pointed out that the price would have to be realistic , bearing in mind that they were not dealing with a willing purchaser .
12 Nearly ten years ago , in CD 's infancy , I was writing that most CD players sound like poor quality amplifiers , not least because they contain poor quality amplifier circuits , and little seems to have changed in the interim .
13 This happened at the same time as parishes were being formed , and it seems to have resulted in the extinction of many churches , not only as private property but also as working churches .
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