Example sentences of "seems [prep] [pers pn] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Answering the question as to the state in which this love can best be practised , Rolle points to an inner quietness which seems for him to be achievable only in literal solitude and constrained stability : " er Goddes trone , dwelles still in a stede , and er noght abowte rennand " [ trone : throne ; a stede : one place ] ( 10.116.258 – 9 ) .
2 The idea that we should divide our lives into three parts — education/full-time work/retirement — seems to me to be absurd .
3 seems to me to be good .
4 Nevertheless , within the variations and local conditions , if we are thinking in terms of a specifically televisual addition to the forms which the novelistic has taken since the Greek romance , the organization of narrative around the expectation of interruption seems to me to be central .
5 It also seems to me to be consistent with the approach of the court in the Torfaen case [ 1990 ] 2 Q.B .
6 There are some yachts which come close to this spec : the FF boats of Holland ( only 30 and 35ft ) ; the X119 , but I do n't think this is suitable for two and its bulb keel with forward protrusion seems to me to be dangerous in our net-infested waters ; the Dehler db36 is interesting , though ugly and over-designed .
7 However , it seems to me to be incorrect to conclude as a result that article 7 of the E.E.C .
8 Here , I want to identify one feature of that relationship which seems to me to be crucial in understanding generic transformation in television , and the specific and different forms it takes in the US and the UK : the organization of the schedule .
9 It seems to me to be right to make the Tate into a museum entirely devoted to British art , from its beginnings down to the present day .
10 Here I want to draw attention to an article by Beverle Houston , ‘ Viewing television : the metapsychology of endless consumption ’ , which seems to me to be one of the few serious attempts to theorize television subjectivity , and one which deserves more attention .
11 The true explanation of title by [ adverse possession ] … seems to me to be that man , like a tree in a cleft rock , gradually shapes his roots to his surroundings , and when the roots have grown to a certain size , ca n't be displaced without cutting at his life .
12 It seems to me to be perverse in the extreme to attempt to resist the claim that the brain is literally carrying out these functions .
13 It seems to me to be important enough to be worth tabling if that can be arranged .
14 Obviously a longer , longer lead in on that , erm , and , and the county would , clearly need to put some funding into the development to ensure that those er , those satellite businesses operate , and only when you fund those out of the rural economic development 's initiative , but it seems to me to be important that we should ensure that businesses operating in the rural parts of the county have equal access to the facilities of business link and business advice .
15 Obviously I am not saying that all policemen are racist but there seems to me to be enough evidence for a nationwide enquiry into such harassment to be held .
16 There also seems to me to be some confusion of emphasis which which adds to my concern that in fact the Government policy talks about strict control of development away , and I emphasize the word away , from settlements .
17 One of the things about when you are old and move to a residential home I think one of the important things is that you want to go and live close to your loved ones , if you have any , and it does just worry me that if you happen to be a person who is resident in and your loved ones live in , under these terms if you went to a residential home in you would n't qualify for the higher rate and that seems to me to be wrong .
18 But this consideration seems to me to be immaterial .
19 On the contrary , it seems to me to be significant in this context that when , in article 58 , the E.E.C .
20 The phenomenon seems to me to be different in kind from the first .
21 On the other hand , I believe that in the area of remuneration it is the avoidance of unfairness which is the most important single factor , and the ability to reward and publicly acknowledge outstanding effort in ways which are cost effective seems to me to be another important feature .
22 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
23 The first consequence seems to me to be this .
24 ‘ It seems to me to be inconsistent with the spirit of liberalisation to have a mandatory code that necessitates a cumbersome and bureaucratic certification process . ’
25 IT SEEMS to me to be tough on Dr John Bromley , head of a four-GP practice , that he should take sole blame after a two-year-old boy had wandered into a surgery and swallowed some carbolic acid which should have been locked away .
26 Dragging the pad towards him he found a clean page and wrote : Dear Harsnet , I know you never answer my letters or return my calls , and I know that you handed over your notes to me on the understanding that I could do what I liked with them and not bother you , but I have to say that while there is much in them that I admire , as I will always admire much in you , no matter what , there is also much in them that seems to me to be puerile and , to put it mildly , bigoted .
27 But that is a very different matter from the exegetically unjustified expedient adopted by some modern students of mission , of divorcing the Spirit from Jesus , evading the scandal of his particularity , and attributing to the Spirit 's agency whatever seems to them to be admirable in the beliefs and practice of other faiths .
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