Example sentences of "seemed to be on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Vietnam War really appeared to be near its end , and the economy , shaken by the rise in world oil prices and the inflation produced by the war , seemed to be on the mend .
2 Delaney and Forster exchanged quick , worried glances , for the man seemed to be on the verge of total derangement .
3 I had flashes of recall so many times seemed to be on the verge of knowing who I really was .
4 Just at the moment when the establishment figures on both sides of the Atlantic were talking about substantial cuts in military spending , when the role of the hawkish political leaders was being eclipsed , when the United States seemed to be floating away from its international role , and new self-confident Europe seemed to be on the verge of creation , Iraq invaded Kuwait .
5 Every time she seemed to be on the verge of making some sort of breakthrough , new questions came up .
6 No one stepped forward , no one seemed to be on the lookout for a stranger and the other passengers quickly dispersed .
7 Over one last rise , and they were driving across a grassy boulder-strewn plateau which seemed to be on the top of the world .
8 Much of the recorded research seemed to be on the ability ( or non-ability ) to distinguish different sounds or single words through the tactile sense , mainly with deaf children in mind .
9 Her eyes seemed to be on the ceiling , watching them .
10 Trade unionism in the countryside seemed to be on the crest of a wave and the sense of exhilaration was increased when in 1920 the system of price guarantees and wages boards was extended into peacetime .
11 Pockets of resistance still remained in 1922 , in Tambov , Siberia , Georgia , and Central Asia : seemingly safe areas , like the Smolensk and Kursk gubernii , were not as stable as they seemed to be on the surface .
12 It had been an indifferent season for the New York Yankees , the team he had followed faithfully for thirty years , and , at 4-I down to the Detroit Tigers with two innings left , defeat seemed to be on the cards for a third successive game .
13 But biography had perhaps peaked as the hardback genre , and travel writing , except by the acknowledged masters , seemed to be on the decline in bookshops .
14 SID , the German news agency , said : ‘ At a end of a hearing of which the DLV 's legal commission was out of its depth with the case and from the start seemed to be on the side of Krabbe , Breuer and Moller , there was a scandalous ruling . ’
15 He was certainly an attractive man , with bright , smiling eyes and a face which always seemed to be on the point of laughter .
16 Ana who was so sweet , so natural , seemed to be on the point of hysteria .
17 He always seemed to be on the move
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