Example sentences of "seemed [to-vb] the [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 She loved the country life of the estate and could have been entirely happy were it not for Stephen 's habitual absences which only seemed to emphasise the constant presence of his mother .
2 Much of the early proceedings seemed to confirm the recent resurgence of the conservative wing , as witnessed at the June founding congress of the Russian Federation Communist Party [ see pp. 37538-39 ] .
3 The whole Soviet record seemed to confirm the undemocratic origins of Bolshevik power in Russia : glasnost and perestroika suggest that the regime itself is on the point of admitting as much .
4 As we pored over his crippled handwriting I felt a steady heat coming from his body like an aura which slowly enveloped me and seemed to penetrate the very marrow of my bones .
5 FitzAlan shifted one hand to the nape of her neck , holding her still , while that probing gaze seemed to penetrate the very depths of her soul .
6 When our love was young , we would exchange presents — small tokens , often meaningless in themselves , but which seemed to enclose the very essence of their donor .
7 However , Kenneth Clark , who replied for the government , was not encouraging and seemed to accept the pessimistic view of Neville Trotter , Conservative MP for Tyne mouth , who blamed all the problems on Korean labour costs which were only 20% of those in the UK .
8 Other Jewish families living in the warren of neighbouring streets where the rows of cramped houses confronted their twins at almost arm-stretching distance had no such suggestion of exclusiveness and seemed to encourage the natural ebullience of their inhabitants as well as confirming their more straitened circumstances .
9 No other flowers were in the garden , yet I seemed to smell the strong scent of nicotiana .
10 You … well , you just seemed to catch the rough edge of it . ’
11 He seemed to hear the gravelly voice of Cameron-Hyde the one-eyed history master discoursing on the origins of the Thirty Years ' War .
12 But , initially at least , it seemed to express the right kinds of sentiment .
13 Moving seemed to require the same amount of breath as before , which was to say more than could be easily provided .
14 During the 1970s there was a China boom in Japan which seemed to evoke the old image of China as a source of civilization and ideas .
15 This argument , however , seemed to defy the second law of thermodynamics which suggests that energy tends to become dissipated and order to dissolve .
16 Science and technology all too often seemed to overtake the wildest fantasies of Utopian thinkers , plagues of infectious diseases were conquered , people flew not only into air but out into space and landed on the moon ; instant communications brought a " global village " and so on , yet all this progress of science and technology did not bring Utopia .
17 He almost seemed to regret the necessary slaughter of my people as much as I did . ’
18 At 11 o'clock de Castelnau , by now in receipt of further intelligence which seemed to presage the total collapse of the defence on the Right Bank , was back in Joffre 's office .
19 The use of ‘ opens ’ was a paradoxical one as it seemed to address the unacknowledged absence of black women in white feminist discourses which encouraged women to re-see , re-read and re-invent lives and histories .
20 It was inevitable that the actor that seemed to epitomise the new Hollywood of the late sixties should work with one of the most fashionable filmmakers attuned to young audiences .
21 THROUGHOUT the mid-1980s a fierce battle raged for control of Daimler-Benz , the luxury-car maker which seemed to epitomise the industrial prowess of a resurgent West Germany .
22 The arenas hired for these meetings seemed to match the modern creed of the new popular movement .
23 This raucous noise only seemed to emphasize the ominous silence of the island and reminded me of a story I had heard from a traveller who claimed to have sailed the Western Ocean and come across islands inhabited by ghosts of dead sailors .
24 The upper half of the front door was a stained glass window which seemed to emphasize the cloistered atmosphere of the deserted road .
25 Lochnagar seemed to hold the ancient spirit of the land .
26 And the women seemed to knit the same kind of loops my mother did .
27 To men of the Middle Ages astronomy was of particular interest because it seemed to offer the best means of understanding , and possibly controlling , terrestrial events .
28 But a visit to Aerospatiale 's Socata factory at Tarbes seemed to offer the ideal opportunity of reviewing their TB20 , the Trinidad , in the role it 's made for — as an executive aircraft for the pilot owner touring market .
29 Already he seemed to have the reassuring kind of manner one associated with being a doctor .
30 More significantly , perhaps , he revealed to Edward that there was much opposition in Normandy to the fiscal oppression of the Valois administration and the centralizing policies which seemed to threaten the provincial liberties of the duchy .
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