Example sentences of "seemed [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She strained her eyes into the broken circle of darkness , and a breath of ancient tension and fear seemed to issue chillingly from the hole the river had torn in history .
2 For most of the time the plaintiffs seemed to miss out on the need to prove their reliance on the accounts and had they addressed this early enough , the case might never have come to court .
3 She seemed to light up at the idea .
4 It was one of those days when snow fell all day without sticking and the cold seemed to penetrate right to the bone .
5 The bang of the younger one 's heart seemed to go right through the earth like thundering horses .
6 He was beginning to find pieces which seemed to go together with the hint of a pattern …
7 A pasty white blob seemed to float out into the darkness , and then the laser brilliance of a pencil flash in the hand below it .
8 It is up to you , Mr. Deputy Speaker , to decide whether hon. Members are in order , but I must say that the hon. Gentleman went on at considerable length about matters some of which seemed to stray interestingly from the subject of the amendment .
9 She gripped the edge of the window sill , seemed to strain up on the window across the small of her back .
10 It appeared so unexpectedly that it seemed to leap out of the ground .
11 Nevertheless , the cost of providing an economic infrastructure was one which seemed to bear heavily upon the people and , as far as the rural communities were concerned , it may be argued that the French occupation brought little positive benefits .
12 I think it was that perpetual low cloud , it seemed to creep right into the house , and then those terrible winds .
13 the train had made its imperceptible departure and was rolling along again past the uninhabited infinity of rocks and lakes and conifers that seemed to march on to the end of the world .
14 The country was smaller than Wales , only one fortieth the size of California ; the ridge-line of mountain peaks provided Lebanon 's epic dimensions , plateaus of snow that seemed to reach up to the moon on winter nights .
15 It just seemed to fit in with the story and the early part of your visit about somebody getting killed . ’
16 Sonia said : ‘ It seemed to fit in with the spirit of the Festival — how political change in history is articulated — and celebrated the most remarkable use of language , worldwide .
17 She thought she heard an owl cry , and the falling shape , black now and only just visible , seemed to sweep suddenly to the left , soaring , then falling , turning a round and white face to glance at her as it vanished into the gloom .
18 As they passed Guido and Ronni 's table , just for an instant Guido turned and seemed to smile directly at the girl .
19 When Marc spoke his words seemed to grow out of the night itself .
20 Alexei seemed to look down at the folder in his hand .
21 In contrast , the Annamese monarch seemed to shrink deeper into the embrace of his gilded throne as though he was only too well aware that the diplomatic niceties of the Frenchman 's address did nothing to alter the fact that he and his people were irretrievably beholden to the will and whim of France .
22 According to our panel all three parties , including Labour , seemed to drift away from the issue as the campaign progressed .
23 Every bird in the wood seemed to fly up into the air .
24 In one more smooth movement his own shirt was gone , and as she looked at him her naked skin seemed to cry out for the touch of his .
25 There were weeks of unremitting frost , occasional snowstorms , and periods of rain that seemed to soak right through the body to chill the bones .
26 The atmosphere was fantastic at the end as it seemed to build up over the rounds .
27 They seemed to stretch back into the hillside as if they might , at some stage , cease to become manmade buildings of stone and wood and brick and become ancient caves ; tunnels that would penetrate deep into the earth 's core .
28 They passed a house which seemed to hang perilously onto the hillside .
29 Everywhere an unspoken question seemed to hang heavily in the air : Would we have been better off without Home Rule ?
30 A little of the festive warmth seemed to die out of the air as they took their places around the low coffee table in the corner of the great hangar .
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