Example sentences of "idea of [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Miss Thorne suddenly hit upon the idea of casting him as the ghost of Marley , Scrooge 's ex-partner .
2 She listened to his advice and bought instead a Welsh pony with the vague idea of attaching it to a trap and doing the shopping in it .
3 If you have decided on this as your opening sequence , you may like the idea of beginning it with a fade in on a close-up of some brightly lit seasonal decoration in a shopping precinct — the face of a life-size Santa would be an ideal way to set the mood .
4 ‘ The idea of stuffing everything into a pig 's stomach put me right off . ’
5 William Morton Pitt of Kingston Maurwood , MP for Dorset and a relative of the two famous Prime Ministers ‘ impressed with the beauty of the situation of Swanwich and the salubrity of its climate , and finding the shore of smooth fine sand to be admirably adapted for sea bathing , first conceived the idea of raising it to the condition of a watering place ’ .
6 From the need to produce videos of Virgin artists came the idea of distributing them on a commercial basis as well through their own distribution company ; and within two years Virgin were busily developing their own , European version of MTV , Music Box .
7 ‘ I used to do a lot of home brewing and going round beer festivals gave me the idea of doing it for a living .
8 Guillaume was also disturbed by Modi 's unpredictable and unbusinesslike behaviour : ‘ the mere idea of asking him for a signature , which would have legalized a relationship , seemed ridiculous to me ’ .
9 We toyed with the idea of having one on the twenty first of this month , but if we did , but now that we 've got someone interested in the house
10 The idea of making her into a museum was abandoned and instead she was turned into a Boys ' Club .
11 He let his mind play with that again , the idea of making it on the box .
12 But gradually the idea of performing it in the garden , and the setting of the last act of Figaro , which all takes place in the garden , started to suggest an alternative scenario for moments from the opera .
13 We did some more research and we found out that in return for doing this you had to pay the minister a fine , so we found a minister who was very excited by the idea of marrying us in a seventeen century house , and in fact , on the morning of the wedding he was more worried about what he was wearing than what I was !
14 Cotterell was at his desk , a large mahogany monster that had been inherited with the premises because nobody could face the idea of carrying it down the stairs .
15 A loss would give momentum to the idea of dumping him at the party convention in July .
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