Example sentences of "need [to-vb] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After that come more advanced techniques which students need to perform for the next grading .
2 Obviously you need to appeal to the Regional Committee if as a branch you 're not happy , but this rule should n't need to be bent , we should have one that is ours to be used for branches , the General Secretary himself says that it 's happened on several occasions so let's be a real trade union , not one that borrows from Peter to pay Paul , let's have a proper rule for branches .
3 To get your film developed you need to go to the extreme left of the upper level .
4 And we had a letter home saying something about you need to go to the local dentist or something for treatment .
5 It has been contended elsewhere that the reality of the social process is quite different from its appearance : we need to go beyond the misleading surface appearance of relations between Black and White people , to re-think difference and to recognise the composite nature of the reality of those relationships .
6 The reality is that we need to cope with the fiscal deficit and we have the courage to do so .
7 if they can not show a high prevalence of HIV , they will not get the money they need to concentrate on the important job of prevention .
8 I need to come on the pink potty , I need a
9 ‘ We need to let our members know that this is happening so that they can check out their own individual situation and we need to write to the regional council to find the basis for banding of agricultural housing here , ’ he said .
10 This means that the registering and monitoring arrangements need to be changed and that the statutory authorities need to establish through the joint planning mechanisms a way of incorporating these changes , that health and local authorities need to create a place for the private sector in the planning progress and that the role of bodies like the Mental Welfare Commission , the Hospital Advisory Service , the health councils needs to be extended to encompass and specifically address the whole business of monitoring the provision in the private sector in so far as it 's supported by public funds .
11 Thus it is clear that you need to work on the fast twitch muscles if you want to improve your speed .
12 In the UK , attempts to gain greater value for money have been related more to the present depressed economic climate than any need to provide for the wider accountability of government expenditure .
13 They need to struggle with the thorny issue of whose interests come first , and they must be ready to let go of some aspirations and commitments if they are to enjoy what they decide to do .
14 The kitchen table was covered with homework , dictionaries , ring notebooks and ‘ All you Need to Know about the Russian Revolution ’ pulled out of the huge pieces of luggage Henrietta took every day to school , books used to erect tottering towers wherever the family was next about to eat .
15 Librarians need to know about the main reviewing agencies in their field : their frequency and coverage , the authority and quality of their reviews , the time lags in appearance .
16 We need to talk of the relative autonomy of cultural practices , and it is helpful to introduce Gramsci 's insight that the relationship between actual culture , consciousness , ideas , experience , on the one hand , and economically determined factors such as class position , on the other , is always problematical , incomplete and the object of ideological work and struggle .
17 I need to look at the real thing . ’
18 Planners need to look at the long term provision of locally based day care as well as reviewing current provision in terms of suitability , costs etc .
19 Erm and you need to look at the big picture .
20 We shall be coming back in this chapter and the next to the problems that occur when choice is based on too much of ‘ I love me ’ and ‘ I love the me in you ’ , but first we need to look at the basic capacity to realize some love for another , with its mix of self-regard and altruism .
21 We are having , we , we are at the moment reviewing all our traffic calming er requests because there are a whole load of them and in fact some of them we 've not been able to proceed as quickly as others so we , we need to look at the whole thing
22 We need to look beyond the social position readers already occupy to the ways in which reading as an activity is itself structured in different contexts .
23 Clearly we need to differentiate between the problematic nature of heroin itself as against the ‘ hassle ’ caused by its illegality , impurity and uneven availability .
24 But then you need to deal with the basic problem .
25 It 's a very clean , so side effects are very very rare , that 's right , Now we , I 'm going to give you two sizes , cos you need to start on the lower dose first .
26 Erm , now bearing in mind that half the year has gone , or will have gone by the time anybody arrived here , erm it seemed to me that where I , my analysis of that situation was that if we were going to achieve our target times , erm , then the theory would seem to be that we ought to make , er , two appointments now , I E two appointments for half the year will be equivalent to one appointment for the year , and that will produce the number of investigative hours which roughly that the formula says we need to knock off the required number of complaints in the required number of times .
27 This is where we need to turn to the factual evidence .
28 At this point in the narrative we need to turn to the remarkable Register concerning the imperial question ( Regestum super negotio Romani imperii or RNI ) , a secret register opened by the papal curia between August and September 1199 , but containing entries going back to 3 May .
29 If the lace carriage is at the right and you need to knit with the main carriage , you must slide it back to the left .
30 Yes , before you all write in , I do know that by pressing the yellow button on the machine I will be told when I need to knit with the main carriage , but ( hand on heart ) how many of you have got carried away and done one too many strokes with the lace carriage ?
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