Example sentences of "take a [noun] at the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 However , I think I 'd better take a peep at the excavations .
2 While the Secretary of State is looking at that , however , will he also take a look at the idiots who race through these roadworks ?
3 But you can take a look at the instructions ; if you select the Reveal Codes menu option , the screen splits in two , with the formatting codes revealed in the lower screen .
4 It was Diane who proposed that they should go over and take a look at the labs where Jenner had worked and Reynolds agreed , more than a little relieved that they were returning to the main subject ; he was made uncomfortable by Diane 's self revelation and the way in which it had begun to erode his easy preconceptions of her and her ‘ type ’ .
5 Let's take a look at the changes the Trusts , under N H S Trusts , staff can adapt their services more easily to suit the needs of local people .
6 Why do n't you hop up on to the examination couch and I 'll just take a quick listen to baby 's heart and take your blood pressure , then afterwards I 'm sure Sister will be only too happy to show you around our labour ward and let you take a look at the facilities we have available .
7 For the moment let us take a look at the fortunes of the professionals , mostly unsung and unremembered , who played cricket or football for pay .
8 Goibniu remembered that Gnomes were reportedly extremely greedy , but said they would take a look at the designs now , if the Gnomes were quite ready , thus galvanising the Gnomes into anxious industry , resulting in much unpacking of knapsacks and unrolling of parchments and remarks such as , ‘ Who 's got the plan of the turquoise bracelet ? ’ and ‘ Why did we bring along four sketches for the everyday silver tiara ? ’ and ‘ Flaherty 's sitting on the Coronation sceptre ! ’
9 Having considered the tape formats , now let's take a look at the camcorders that use the tapes .
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