Example sentences of "person who [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it 's the old story , is n't it , one person who gets killed on a Bank Holiday car crash is not news but four getting killed together is a disaster , is newsworthy , I mean that 's the way it works .
2 The Medical Research Council 's Common Cold Research Unit showed that it is not the person who gets caught in the rain or sits in a draught who is likely to develop a cold but the one who has to work in the air-conditioned , centrally-heated , artificially-lit atmosphere found in many modern office blocks .
3 Should the patient be the person who had attended to the business and financial side of family life , then there will have to be a reversal of roles ; these items will have to be attended to by a responsible other person , usually the spouse .
4 The person who had eavesdropped on the proposed intrigue performed Stratton 's job for him ; stole the jewel ; slid thereafter into the background ; and disposed at leisure of the superfluous pearls and the petty cash .
5 The chairman historically was a person who had served on the tribunal as an ordinary member for some time .
6 I said to just the name of the person who 'd died in the .
7 Section 6(2) empowers the court to order a person who has entered into a transaction in contravention of section 3 to take such steps as the court may direct for restoring ‘ the parties ’ ( that is the contravener and the investor ) to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into .
8 ‘ that a person who has entered into the contract may either affirm or avoid such contract after the duress has ceased ; and if he has so voluntarily acted under it with a full knowledge of all the circumstances he may be held bound on the ground of ratification , or if , after escaping from the duress , he takes no steps to set aside the transaction he may be found to have affirmed it . ’
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