Example sentences of "able [to-vb] they [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is worth noting , however , that one of the ideas behind the risk theory , namely that losses should be borne by the party best able to absorb them with least dislocation and disruption , is a very popular one in the ( private ) law of tort where the theory of fault liability is , in some areas at least , under attack .
2 To illustrate this point , I have given an example of a pattern for a knitted rectangle here in all three types of pattern notation , so that you will be able to relate them to each other .
3 It may be argued on the one hand that where the owner of goods was under no tortious liability for their appearance on the occupier 's land , he ought to be able to retake them in any event , provided he does no injury to the premises or gives adequate security for making good any unavoidable injury .
4 Three days later , on 23rd. , the Stukas returned to the skies over Malta , and on this occasion the defences were able to engage them without undue fighter interference , although Plt.Off .
5 Are these sufficiently closely defined for us to be able to apply them to particular cases ?
6 A Country Diary : OXFORDSHIRE : On the first morning of this month , whilst watching the usual passage of gulls to the local refuse-dump , I spotted a flock of waders , estimated at between 300 and 400 , much higher up and heading due south , and , a matter of seconds later , a similar party followed them on the same course , and I was able to identify them as Golden Plover .
7 It is unlikely that any of the missing diamonds had been picked up by persons involved in the rescue or who visited the site later as only an expert would have been able to identify them as precious stones .
8 Because we reinterviewed the same people at different times throughout the year , we were able to divide them into persistent readers of Tory tabloids , persistent readers of Labour tabloids , persistent readers of broadsheets and , finally , those who changed papers or read no paper regularly .
9 We may or may not be able to convert them to electrical use .
10 If you have babies or young children you will be able to lift them with little effort .
11 Traditionally the merchant banks have been the main financial advisers in a merger or acquisition deal — they traded very much on their reputation for knowing all the right people and being able to approach them at any time .
12 To be able to change them into different fractions .
13 I felt a little shy : all those things we had written — would I be able to translate them into physical action , into real , spoken words ?
14 Someone living with the patient may be able to remind them of these points .
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