Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [adv] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Would those 0.5 m. voters be able to cope sensibly with a list which if West German custom were followed would include twenty names ? — or for that matter with a list of 15 names or ten ?
2 Once they 're approved landlords or homeowners will be able to go straight to a county court for a possession order .
3 The adamantium floor down there was inscribed with a maze of tiny coloured channels that bootsteps would never be able to wear away in a pattern suggestive of a cosmic map — and along all of those channels were spaced little indentations the depth of a Fist 's thumbprint , each recess named with a rune .
4 That 's what makes us significant , three very different kinds of people able to work together in a band . ’
5 Mr Rodger Bell QC , for Mr Bewick , suggested that his client had a ‘ bee in his bonnet ’ about surgeons being able to work anywhere at a drop of a hat .
6 Skymaster is on Page 1500 , which you 'll normally be able to find automatically through an access key on whatever keyboard you use .
7 We seem to be able to communicate better with a horse if no one else is around .
8 At some point in its development it has to create more organized political groups , or convert or capture existing political organizations , which are able to engage directly in a struggle for power and have the capacity to use power when they have gained it in order to reconstruct society .
9 with imitative activity filling the gap until the child is able to participate meaningfully as a partner in home-centred behaviours , the definition of this aspect of the female sex role [ the domestic one ] seems to proceed without interruption and with continuous reinforcement from the cradle on .
10 ‘ People need expertise in language to be able to participate effectively in a democracy .
11 If someone has suffered severe hearing loss for many years and suddenly is able to hear well through an aid , he is likely to have the same experience of surprise .
12 Of course we have to pay the mortgage , but it is important to be able to do so in a way which contributes to international understanding and equips our students with worthwhile and important skills .
13 Even if subjects are deliberately attempting to recall the risky situations it would still be interesting that they are able to do so in a way that makes them distinct from all the other situations encountered .
14 The SoftPC version that gets up on the Mac will be the full Windows product that Insignia has just licensed from Microsoft , so that Windows and MS-DOS programs will be able to run legitimately on an IBM Corp chip-powered Mac .
15 Such people should be able to fight well from a lagging position .
16 For Messrs Ames , Myers , Wilbraham , Hudd and Irens and the shell company specialists like Messrs Lever and D'Silva , this recession might be a period that , unlike most , they will be able to recall fondly as a time when they grew their businesses .
17 So , but we were able to stay there for a time .
18 With Boz out of the caravan I was able to get away for a while .
19 On his visit to London we were able to get together for a bit of a jam and a chat about some of the parts he played on the ‘ new ’ album …
20 Abse puts his faith in Heseltine , whom I have never been able to take seriously as a politician .
21 I respectfully agree with the judge that that would be an inappropriate way of achieving the result which clearly ought to be achieved , which is that a child abducted in the way this little boy was should be able to return home pending a decision as to whether he lives with his father or with his mother .
22 Because such structures are ‘ conventional , and hence culturally variable ’ ( van Dijk and Kintsch 1983:16 ) the language learner , in order to be able to operate effectively as a participant in discourse , needs to be able both to identify what type of discourse he or she is involved in , and to predict how it will typically be structured .
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