Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [adv] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It will probably be a good thing , depending finally on your own particular temperament , not to be able to see too much of the immediate future for your heroine .
2 17.33 With regard to spelling , the aim should be that by the end of compulsory schooling pupils should be able to spell confidently most of the words they are likely to need to use frequently in their writing ; to recognise those aspects of English spelling that are systematic ; to make a sensible attempt to spell words that they have not seen before ; to check their work for misspellings and to use a dictionary appropriately .
3 Although Charles 's own personal inclination was to refound a wide , comprehensive church able to encompass as many of the various denominations of the 1650s as possible , it was soon clear that the king would have to bow to pressure from the bishops , the conservative landowners , and their representatives in the Cavalier Parliament , who wished to see a more narrow restoration .
4 ‘ If we have another couple of the big shires , they should be able to paddle down enough of the snow for the rest to follow on foot . ’
5 But a woman , who , when her own needs are n't met , and when she 's slowly disintegrating , is not going to be able to give very much to the children , or give as much as she could , so it makes sense , if she 's really concerned about those children , that she will put , quite often , her own needs above them in order to get her act together , so that she 's in control and feels good about what she 's doing so she 'll be able to give more .
6 I am making the assumption that Kirov will be able to fill in some of the blanks once we come up with a workable number … probably no more than three .
7 they said they do n't think they 'll be able to do too much at the moment
8 We shall never be able to decide how much of the success of Roman imperialism is implicit in this determined effort by the Romans to learn to speak and think in Greek .
9 So successful had the Minogue Machine become that it was then able to turn down one of the most lucrative deals in pop music history .
10 Cray is finding it harder and harder to grow its monolithic supercomputers as the world edges towards parallel systems with the view that they will be able to take over many of the tasks presently handled by today 's vector processors , and you ca n't enter an IBM lab these days without stumbling over some kind of parallel processing development project .
11 One may be aware of feelings , sexual ones for example , that one is not able to conceptualise as sexual at the time .
12 ‘ I may not be able to say very much to the mother and her kids , but I sympathise with them so much because of what my own family went through , ’ he says .
13 We are not saying that taxpayers should not be able to claw back some of the costs at a later stage , but the carer 's position should be protected .
14 also , Mark , need to able to bring out most of the computer people as well .
15 As it does so , individuals are able to become more conscious of the assumptions about personal worth and ‘ correct conduct ’ that they themselves had been tacitly making , and to see that an alternative personal philosophy could generate greater inner strength , and decrease their dependency on other people 's approval .
16 We all know that our success as learners depends very much upon how we feel about the content , whether it is interesting or worthwhile , and about the way in which the learning is approached — whether we will have to sit and listen or take notes , or whether we will be able to become directly involved in the process and dictate its pace .
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