Example sentences of "able [to-vb] [pron] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , George and I had that class shared between us , he took them for an hour a week and I did and i if there is a class that any of us had ever taken that would be unlikely to be able to write something meaningful of this kind
2 ‘ Yeah , ’ Grant agreed , then added soberly , ‘ Only thing is , these particular fish happen t'be sharks , an ’ we wo n't be able to jump 'em all like this . ’
3 Some of these are always difficult — even for adults — but by seven , she should be able to do them all without any help from you .
4 ‘ I would love to be able to do something creative like that . ’
5 By tacit consent they kept their conversation to motor racing , and as Kate knew a surprising amount about automotive engineering she was able to hold her own in open discussion with him .
6 His experience of his brother Frank made him respectful of sincerity , and well able to hold his own against clever atheist onslaught .
7 A winner of two handicaps this season , Azhar is as tough as they come and should be able to hold his own in this stronger company .
8 It is no good teaching them as discrete units and hoping that the learner , suddenly faced with a communicative situation , will be able to integrate them all with immediate success .
9 Leaving Charlie to take his own pulse , to practise his deep breathing , and to wonder if he 'd ever be able to untighten his sphincter without medical intervention .
10 It 'll take a few trips , but I should be able to get everybody involved in this mess back home eventually . ’
11 Emma will be able to tell you all about that herself with a little help from her owner if you ring her on .
12 I once asked Kalchu how he was able to tell his cows one from the other , and how he was able to distinguish his own from other people 's .
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