Example sentences of "able [verb] [pron] [noun pl] to the " in BNC.

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1 The Wall Street Journal has been going through Richardson , Texas-based Cyrix Corp 's prospectus for its proposed initial public offering ( page seven ) and finds that the company has a hitherto undisclosed dispute with Texas Instruments Inc over licensing and manufacturing issues — Cyrix says it has received limited supplies of chips from Texas , and as a result ‘ assumes it will not receive any products from Texas Instruments in the future ’ ; the dispute could give Texas , which has a licence to sell Cyrix-designed chips under its own name , the right to sell all current and some future Cyrix products through the term of the five-year agreement , making it harder for Cyrix to develop its own brand name identity ; the current manufacturing agreement with SGS-Thomson Microelectronics NV would be able to meet its needs to the end of the year , after which it would need to buy its own manufacturing facility , expand its contracts with the two firms , or do a deal with another chip maker ; earlier this month , SGS-Thomson signed a new contract agreeing to supply chips to Cyrix to the end of 1994 , and gets the right to sell Cyrix-designed chips under its own name .
2 I am delighted to be able to express my congratulations to the Society on the occasion of its 40th anniversary celebrations .
3 At first I found the ceremonial rather strange , but once I realised the significance of the ceremony and ritual I appreciated the service to the full and was able to add my services to the whole — as each member of the congregation can take a very definite part in the service if he or she has the will , and knows what is meant by the different ceremonies performed .
4 It is too early to say whether IBM 's competitors in the database arena will be able to adapt their products to the new hardware at an affordable cost .
5 League president Gordon McKeag said : ‘ A response was received from Barnet to confirm that they will be able to honour their commitments to the Football League and , for the moment , we will have to accept that . ’
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