Example sentences of "able [verb] [pron] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I fully appreciate and feel the force of the narrowness of the distinctions which are taken between what is admissible and what is not admissible , but the exception presently proposed is so extensive that I do not feel able to support it in the present state of our knowledge of its practical results in this jurisdiction .
2 The stairs were cold and draughty and the light was n't good , but she 'd placed herself so that the agency 's receptionist would be able to see her through the glass-panelled door if she should happen to glance up .
3 Then her father and two brothers will be able to see her for the first time in seven months .
4 Then her father and two brothers will be able to see her for the first time in seven months .
5 I have never been able to see it with the naked eye ( as some observers claim to have done ) , but it is not hard to find with × 7 , and it is easy with × 8.5 .
6 It is more difficult to know whether an animal goes through the experience of at one moment not being able to see a food item , but then being able to see it at the next .
7 A shadow fell across my sunny table and I looked up to find Kenneth who 'd been on a recce of the hospital , so after a lunch of ribs , skins , wings and blueberry pie , he was able to lead me through the appropriate doors of the vast , multi-entranced building .
8 Our advise would be to first speak to your accountants who would be able to talk you through the various options which are :
9 The general health of older people might be improved if they were able to rid themselves of the many ageist attitudes that surround the issue , and were able to feel more positive about their health prospects .
10 I have been interested in the dynamics of the golf swing for ten years , and John is an expert on instrumentation who was able to help me with the experimental work .
11 A solicitor is an independent legal adviser who may be able to help you through the apparent maze of new laws .
12 The legislation was resented bitterly enough by the Netherlands to lead to a war in which the English Republic was able to assert itself against the Dutch Republic .
13 Your GP may be able to point you in the right direction , and it 's worth finding out if the psychology department of your local hospital takes referrals .
14 Your dealer should be able to point you in the right direction .
15 I mean , he was able to put himself among the duped .
16 Timing is also of the essence — flowers can be sent to you through the post as soon as the special event is over , but the best option is to be able to press them on the very day that they are used .
17 Only in his own pieces ( all transcriptions of other composer 's works ) is he able to stretch himself to the outer limits of his technique .
18 You may be able to keep us to the straight and narrow .
19 You will then be able to soak them in the medicated solution for maximum effectiveness .
20 ‘ If there is a god who is able to save us from the blazing furnace , it is our God whom we serve , and he will save us from your power , O king ; but if not , be it known to your majesty that we will neither serve your god nor worship the golden image that you have set up . ’
21 And she would have little illusion about being able to save anything from the low wages she would receive from any of the available jobs .
22 It looked like half a letter T. The needle was so bent that I knew I knew that I would not be able to remove it in the usual way , so I took my heavy pliers ( the ones with which I behead the Passap/Pfaff needles when they got damaged ) and cut off the top of the needle , below the bend .
23 Tel : 071 388 1277 should be able to supply you with the relevant addresses and telephone numbers .
24 On a crowded traffic way he 'd have been dead in under a minute but the barren landscape of this world offered little in the way of obstacles and the vehicle seemed able to right itself over the irregular peaks that occasionally reared unexpectedly out of the mists .
25 Are we gon na be able to get them into the right place ?
26 Oh I wo n't be able to get it for the following day .
27 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
28 However , it seemed a shame to be able to design the forms using the computer and not be able to complete them on the same machine at a later point .
29 He knew he had performed well and he was able to present himself in the best possible aura , that of self-satisfaction , because Hopper gave him carte blanche to edit his own part on film .
30 Although judicial business was conducted in English and followed procedure alien to pre-British Sri Lanka , people were able to adapt themselves to the new institutions and the courts soon handled a very heavy criminal and civil load .
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