Example sentences of "able [verb] [pron] [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first is the way the Conservatives have been able to sustain their vote at a consistently high level .
2 Wembley says it welcomes Swindon Town , but not all Robins supporters will be able to sample its hospitality at the big match on Monday .
3 Petty had already intimated that he might not be able to continue his attendance at the debates further ( after 29 October ) , but before the end of that day 's proceedings he explained why ‘ we [ the Levellers ] would exclude apprentices , or servants , or those that take alms , it is because they depend upon the will of other men and should be afraid to displease [ them ] ’ .
4 Once the chart is complete you will be able to see your findings at a glance .
5 Drawing on an earlier record of municipal activity and labour representation , it was able to consolidate its position at a time of hope for a new future by an active fusion of Labour Party , trade union and cooperative effort .
6 Some might wonder , ’ he grated , ‘ whether Blake will now be able to set his prices at a level low enough to undermine Lynx .
7 Ibn Fayoud and his blonde of the day ; Annie , hardly able to conceal her astonishment at the way Kelly had been able to ride after the events of the previous night ; Bill himself , flushed and more inarticulate than ever .
8 David Norman used his words more precisely when he said they were ectothermic reptiles which were able to keep their bodies at a constant temperature ‘ by being very large and living in a warm , mild climate . ’
9 If the values of UK purchases of dollars and of US purchases of sterling are roughly equal , dealers in the foreign exchange market will be able to balance their books at a forward rate that is equal to the expected future spot rate .
10 You 're just not going to be able to maintain your rugby at the highest standard otherwise .
11 The inhabitants of Thrush Green were able to gaze their fill at the stranger on the first Sunday after his arrival , as he attended morning service in a dove-grey suit which was far better cut , everyone agreed , than those of the other males in the congregation .
12 Licensed semiconductor partners will be able to involve their customers at the beginning of the design process and Sun says its current intention is to facilitate early design adoption and volume sales as soon as silicon is production ready , independent of its own system products becoming available .
13 He had been able to moisten his throat at the clear streams of water which crossed the track but the sustenance of ale or wine to which his great frame was accustomed was denied him and he had taken no food since he had shared bread , cheese , and ham with Marian and Allen after the fight with the sturdy beggars .
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