Example sentences of "almost [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 Despite his almost complete lack of English and the poor Italian the others possessed , several things had emerged .
2 Burgeoning nature symbolises the creative process : in ‘ Out of Egypt ’ , for instance , branches bending towards the ground create an almost complete circle of growth and nurture .
3 The most controversial feature was the building of new fortifications at considerable cost and , as it proved , an almost total waste of money and effort .
4 The almost mystical power of race and nation on the political stage conveys something about the changing nature of class relations , the growth of state authoritarianism , the eclipse of industrial production , the need to maintain popular support for militarism and exterminism and the end of the nation-state as a political form .
5 At first , these trips offer a nice novelty value , but the realisation that the oversea navigation is by tracking the VOR needle and watching an almost indistinguishable horizon of sea and sky takes away the pleasure of the flight , especially if it is a day trip and the local wines can not be enjoyed .
6 At the same time , in Scotland we are faced with an almost daily barrage of press and television images from English towns and cities — ‘ joy riding ’ , urban rioting , football violence , racist attacks , and so on — against which it is perhaps difficult to keep hold of the reality of our own towns and cities .
7 The engine 's natural urgency is efficiently harnessed by closely stacked intermediate ratios and a manageable 22.5mph/1000rpm in fifth , which strikes an almost perfect compromise between flexibility and refinement .
8 Combined with the federal structure of Germany this means that services are de-centralized as far as the political and administrative levels of national state ( Bundesstaat ) , federal state ( Land ) , district ( Kreis ) and local authority are concerned and additionally dispersed over an almost indescribable multiplicity of semi- and non-statutory organizations .
9 They enjoyed too the almost unlimited scope for invention and strategy , and the Personal romanticizing in bed at night .
10 The view from the Beech 99 explained everything about the area and its needs — vast numbers of small lakes set in an almost tundra-like expanse of scrub and woodland .
11 We all had our recollections of our own special moments , but the abiding memory is of the blessed peach and tranquillity of the Shrine and the almost tangible bond of companionship and caring , love and laughter which bound us all together .
12 Whichever design wins , it is certain that personal computers will continue to shrink , while retaining almost full compatibility with desktop and larger systems .
13 Back there the war was everywhere , filling people 's minds and eyes and thoughts ; the teeming thousands of uniformed men , the RAF and army vehicles , the almost palpable atmosphere of anticipation and suspense .
14 Mrs Bottomley 's announcement confirmed reports that she had opted to water down some of the Tomlinson proposals , but it still came under almost immediate attack from Labour and the unions .
15 If the absolutely fundamental achievements of human culture represented in the prohibitions on violence against authority and the temptation to incest which occasion it are loosened , then we stand at the edge of a frightful abyss which represents a collapse into an almost pre-human state of savagery and violence .
16 ( Souvenir Press , £7.95 ) on the plight of carers in our society , agrees that the 3.5 million women and 2.5 million men who become carers do so out of an almost instinctive mixture of love and duty .
17 Gould was enthralled by the spirit and customs of the Aborigines , and above all their almost religious respect for nature and its creatures .
18 In the end Brodkey 's apparently stupendous equipment as a writer , that sense of an almost Flaubertian anxiety about pitch and cadence which plays about every sentence , can scarcely conceal the second-hand quality of his inventions .
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