Example sentences of "go down [prep] the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cold may also go down onto the chest with lots of secretions , coughing and rattling of mucus .
2 From the time that I was about ten , I used to look forward to Mr. Golding 's visits , for sometimes on never-to-be-forgotten occasions he would let me go down into the cellar with him .
3 ‘ Would never go down to the cellars like everyone else when the air-raid siren went .
4 Later , after leisurely baths , we would go down to the bar for our aperitifs and continue reading or play cards until dinner , which was always excellent and ended with a savoury — an almost obsolete course , sadly .
5 As she heard him come back she refrained from looking out of her window , nor did she go down to the corridor outside his room when , a little later , she heard him groaning as he always did in the grip of a nightmare .
6 Now Rhoda had stopped work she would go down to the newsagent on the corner for her cigarettes at the same time every morning , each day a little lighter on her feet .
7 Perhaps they would go down to the harbour in the evening and watch the yachts coming in to the anchorage , and sit with other groups at the chairs and tables outside the Bell Inn .
8 It was only when I felt safe with you , and after we had spent some hours working on our poems , that we would go down to the restaurant for late dinner , which always ended with either banana or ‘ flan ’ .
9 But how will it go down with the fans like England soccer heroes Gary Lineker and Des Walker or film stars Liz Taylor and Joan Collins ?
10 Australian Greg Norman may go down in the record-books as the unluckiest player in the major championships .
11 The case was heard by an exceptionally unconventional judge , but one of sound common sense , Mr Justice Caulfield , who more recently found fame in his unorthodox but equally commonsensical summing-up in the Jeffrey Archer action , where his description of Mrs Archer as ‘ fragrant ’ , no doubt causing great embarrassment to the lady , will go down in the history of judicial extravagance .
12 But one thing is very clear , that Councillor will go down in the history of this city as one of it 's most outstanding sons , who endeared himself to people in all walks of life .
13 this match will go down in the records as a runaway victory for United but all the goals came in the last ten minutes …
14 Stopping on the lonely road , I watched the sun go down in the trees behind Thornfield , and then in the silence I heard a horse approaching .
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