Example sentences of "order [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In August the navigation had to be closed at Ash Lock , in order to conserve water in the Hampshire pound .
2 In order to preserve confidence in the appraisal and promotion system , the management role and to guard against accusations of favouritism , you will not normally work in the same reporting line as a relative or someone with whom you have a close personal relationship .
3 In the spring and summer of 1936 , she went to the Mercury Theatre on at least seven occasions in order to see Murder in the Cathedral .
4 The latter urged far-reaching reforms that could only be implemented by a revolutionary dictatorship , which would need to realign itself internationally in order to secure protection against the United States .
5 In order to secure compliance with the Treaty of Rome , the national authorities in the member states ( including regional and local authorities ) are bound to inform the Commission in advance of any plans to grant subsidies or to alter the terms of existing subsidies .
6 The order followed reports that Union Carbide was attempting to transfer shares in its subsidiary to a trust for building a hospital for victims of the disaster , in order to forestall seizure by the court .
7 Representatives of 21 factions met in Beirut over Christmas to issue a joint call for Mr Saddam Hussein 's overthrow in order to forestall war in the Gulf .
8 From a bank 's standpoint , a serious danger with charter party bills of lading is the possibility of having to pay unexpectedly large freight charges in order to obtain possession of the merchandise .
9 If an abatement notice , served in compliance with s.93 of the 1936 Act , is not complied with at the expiry of the specified time , or the local authority thinks that the nuisance , although abated , is likely to recur , s.94(1) of that Act provides that it is the duty of the local authority to institute summary proceedings for a nuisance order , in order to obtain compliance with the notice or otherwise abatement of the nuisance .
10 However , relational DBMS require the user to be aware of the relations that have been set up in order to obtain information from the database , including keys and foreign keys used to join relations .
11 It also believes that the repertoire of music should be a varied one , but with a familiar core of material in order to provide stability for the worshippers .
12 Thus it is argued that , in order to provide protection for the UK car industry , the VER negotiated with the Japanese to limit car imports into the UK should be tightened and the Japanese should certainly not be allowed to establish production facilities in Britain , whereby the VER might be avoided .
13 In order to provide evidence for the view that the context can act as a retrieval cue ( or exert conditional control over an association ) , it is necessary , as a first step , to demonstrate context-specificity using the control procedures recommended by Lovibond et al .
14 The relative abundance of dissolved constituents released through weathering reactions into surface waters can be compared to their relative abundance in the bedrock in order to provide information on the types of chemical reactions that are occurring .
15 In order to counter concern about the lack of guidance for nationalised industries , there were two government White Papers during the 1960s , which attempted to produce financial targets for nationalised industries and , at the same time , guidelines for pricing and investment decisions .
16 There is , for instance , the problem of what kind of heart would be needed to propel a large body , and the question would arise as to whether , in the case of very tall animals , a higher blood pressure would be required , with commensurately tougher blood vessels , in order to pump blood from the heart to the brain .
17 In order to simplify access to the data , a set of computer programs enables prospective users of the data not only to obtain data , but to tailor their excerpts from the database precisely to their own requirements .
18 The involvement of the ministry led Finance Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto to accept a 10 per cent cut in his salary for three months in order to assume responsibility for the scandal .
19 However , it is recapitulated in brief here in order to focus attention on the variety of possible surface realisations of that type of isomorphic relation we know as textual metaphor .
20 However , in attempting to ascertain the applicability of the model to other countries , in order to strengthen confidence in the results , it is recognised that instead of simply applying it to them mechanically , some account needs to be taken of prevailing differences in their industrial relations systems .
21 He reveals that in fact he is Szendrey , but that he has had to change his name in order to escape persecution by the Communists .
22 Names of important painters like Werner Tübke and Walter Mattheuer are missing in order to avoid controversy about the inclusion of former DDR ‘ state-artists ’ ; they are likely to join later .
23 Names of important painters like Werner Tübke and Walter Mattheuer are missing in order to avoid controversy about the inclusion of former DDR ‘ state-artists ’ ; they are likely to join later .
24 As for the comments on the guaranteeing role of banks and letters of credit in paragraph 2 above , this documentary collection system relies on further support in order to avoid recourse to the courts [ perhaps in a foreign law in a foreign country ] to rectify default on a documented payment obligations .
25 Metal collars with long steel spikes were undoubtedly the favourite form of protection against throttling , although Punch ( 13 December 1862 ) also dreamt up ‘ great coats made a-la-porcupine … with spring daggers at the elbows and sharp spikes all up the back ’ in order to discourage attack from the rear .
26 This might lead us to conclude that in the case where taxes can not bear the additional charges resulting from depreciation accounting ( which is another way of saying that there is not the political will to impose them ) , in order to retain control of the charge to revenue accounts , the existing system will remain .
27 At best it was either a publicity stunt designed help sell third-rate books or a neat piece of disinformation put out by the Russians in order to sow confusion amongst the West 's intelligence agencies .
28 So , for example , a new fibre-tipped pen , in a range of such pens offered by a newcomer to the market , may be sold at a loss in order to draw attention to the range as a whole , and to establish a share of the total market .
29 Thus in many cases where a buyer seeks to reject goods supplied under a sale contract , it does so because the transaction has proved uneconomical , for instance because the market has fallen , or because it has found a cheaper source of supply ; it may then sieze on any trivial breach , or any ambiguity in the contract , in order to justify rejection of the goods .
30 Although former Neville men were predisposed to look to the duke , Gloucester still had to work at being a good lord in order to give substance to the relationship .
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