Example sentences of "hand and [vb past] it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When they returned to the turreted stable block , Victoria was taught how to lead a pony in hand and walked it around the stable proudly .
2 Bernice dumped the remaining food on the floor with a few sweeps of her hand and kicked it under the rubber skirts of the machine .
3 She put out her hand and laid it on the book , then said :
4 He took the spoon out of her hand and laid it on the table .
5 He dropped a long , searching kiss on her mouth , then took her shaking hand and laid it against the powerful , overpowering size of his arousal .
6 Nicolo took her hand and forced it towards the dark , slashing opening .
7 He took the sword out of Alexei 's hand and jabbed it into the planks at the bottom of the punt , then draped Alexei 's coat over it .
8 He pulled a scrap of meat from the cutlet in his hand and tossed it into the air .
9 She took a pinch of snuff in her hand and sprinkled it over the note murmuring something under her breath .
10 as if from nowhere Henry , too , appeared and , crouching in the corner of the couch , Emma now watched him struggling with her mother , and when he wrenched the poker from her hand and flung it across the room , there was the sound of splintering wood , which brought about an inevitable silence , punctuated only by gasps .
11 ‘ I 'll help you , ’ Ellen said to Rickie , then she took his hand and placed it on the mop handle .
12 He lifted one hand and slid it around the slim column of her neck .
13 He felt for Thomas 's hand and wrung it in the momentary blindness after the torch was quenched against the rock .
14 He snatched the cloak out of my hand and threw it on the bed .
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