Example sentences of "hand [coord] [verb] her [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His good spirits thus restored , Rickie seized his sister 's hand and dragged her excitedly towards the boat .
2 Jay remembered the sun in the garden , the paddling pool , her mother meeting her after school , face lighting up with love and joy as her little girl pelted out of school like a tornado , seized her mother 's hand and dragged her home down the street , read to her , played with her , woke her with a kiss , read her a bedtime story .
3 He took her hand and led her out of the café .
4 Her eyes were only very slightly glazed as Fernando Serra tightened his grip on her hand and led her out of the Guadalquivir suite .
5 He caught her easily , holding both wrists in one hand and bringing her hard against him .
6 ‘ Sit down again , pray , ’ pleaded her hostess , reaching for her hand and pulling her back to the sofa .
7 He invited his wife to dance , led her by the hand and steered her courteously around the floor , his fingers spread at her waist as if he held a work of art in his arms .
8 Then he reached out , grasped Mandy 's outstretched hand and pulled her back to safe , solid ground .
9 Harry grabbed her hand and jerked her back into his arms .
10 It is seven years since , at Zurich , I appealed to France to take Germany by the hand and lead her back into the European family . ’
11 Lissa smiled wanly , and allowed Adam to reach for her hand and lead her out of the room .
12 I released her hand and grasped her firmly by the buttocks , small but ripe .
13 ‘ We 'd better go and see the doctor , ’ he said heavily , taking her hand and leading her back down the corridor .
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