Example sentences of "far [subord] [art] [adj] [noun] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It would be a mistake , however , to dismiss this aspect of the Liberal reform programme as being of no legislative or historical significance , at least in so far as the preceding details have revealed that the different schemes were the result of much thought and argument on the part of a number of interest groups , each of which cared about the transition process , believing it to be critical for the economic and moral welfare of working-class youth .
2 ‘ As far as the anti-Rottie thing goes , I think you just get hardened to it .
3 David Lodge , in Language of Fiction , adopts a monist stance , arguing that there is no essential difference between poetry and prose , in so far as the following tenets apply to both :
4 The first was the extent , if at all , to which the provisions of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 had altered the position , so far as the visitorial functions relating to disbarment were concerned .
5 These divisions run very deep and go back as far as the available documents provide information on such matters .
6 We shall instead suggest ( 40 ) , where the fact that the arrowhead passes through the square bracket is intended to show that the minor property does not simply qualify the entity as a whole , but the fact that it does not reach as far as the round bracket shows that the adjective is not a sense-qualifier : ( 40 )
7 That left at least forty-eight hours from Angela Morgan 's disappearance when , as far as the forensic evidence went , she could have been alive .
8 So far as the theological attributes accorded Jesus by Christian tradition are concerned , we simply do not know .
9 Such was Vologsky 's mission today ; to overfly the very Sino-Soviet border at Alma-Ata then cruise along the Sin-kiang border as far as the Turfan Depression taking photographic , radar and infra-red records .
10 In ‘ action ’ he includes ‘ all human action , when and in so far as the acting individual attaches subjective meaning to it ’ .
11 When Weber remarked initially that he would consider ‘ all action when and in so far as the acting individual attaches subjective meaning to it ’ , he invited the comment that there are all sorts of subjective meanings .
12 Finally , as will be seen below , a restrictive view towards the use of companies may be a disincentive to expansion in so far as the corporate form permits greater flexibility in the raising of outside finance .
13 At the same time , the independent influence of maternal age on still birth ratios can also be observed at each birth interval , at least in so far as the random fluctuations caused by the small number of cases permit observation .
14 This presents a major obstacle , in so far as the would-be acquirer needs to be able to calculate the attitude of a target company 's owners to an offer , given that the management will often be uncooperative .
15 The sixth-century episcopate can not , therefore , be seen as a body independent of royal patronage : in so far as the seventh-century evidence allows any assessment to be made , there was no dramatic change .
16 So far as the whole personality does not fall victim to the pressures either of the external environment or what one might call the internal environment of its own parts — in the form of various lusts and obsessions — it achieves its only conceivable goal , that of prosperous possession , in the fullest manner , of its own nature .
17 They had not gone very far when a great brightness showed over the mountains beyond the forest , and suddenly in front of them they saw a beautiful young man , all dressed in gold , with a scarlet lining to his cloak .
18 She set off with only a little food and she had n't gone far when a small boy appeared right in the middle of the road .
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