Example sentences of "'d [vb infin] [verb] you [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When we 're both naked , I 'd like to take you into the water and soap you .
2 I 'd like to take you by the throat and bang your head against the wall . ’
3 ‘ Of course I 'd like to see you with a few sheep , my lass , sheep being so close to my heart .
4 I 'd like to thank you for the feature Redundancy — Your Survival Guide ( September GH ) .
5 Erm , and I also understand that this is the first time you 've actually had someone from the private sector , er , whose been invited to er , address your A G M so , I 'd like to thank you for the privilege , and for also for the opportunity to speak on a subject which I personally er , find of of great interest .
6 This is the BBC , and we 'd like to welcome you to a new series of Jackanory , which this year promises to bring you stories about subjects such as homosexuality and Aids .
7 Well we hope that erm by coming here you 've demonstrated that you do n't live in fantasy land so I 'd like to welcome you to the real world and in the real world we know that open systems despite the progress they 've made still struggle to replace the mainframe .
8 Erm , I 'd like to welcome you to the Industrial Training Board , I spent about four and a half years with training scheme , and I actually originated in er , engineering , so er , I 've got a long track record , perhaps of training and er , an even long track record working , so I wo n't give you too hard a time .
9 I wish I could talk longer because I 'd like to tell you about the lungs , but er , time 's still .
10 I 'd like to get you on a slow boat to China ?
11 Anyway I realized I 'd have missed you at the Club , so I turned round and set off back .
12 They 'd have put you in an asylum and featured your aggressive , dangerous-looking profile in a textbook for the medical profession .
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