Example sentences of "possible [to-vb] [adv] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In an introductory discussion of the kind undertaken in this chapter it is simply not possible to discuss comprehensively the various forms , spheres and agencies of racism that operate in British society , for example , those deriving from the state 's implementation of increasingly tighter immigration controls as well as nationality legislation , or We activities of some sections of the police ( Dummett , 1982 ; Gordon and Klug , 1985 ; Benyon , 1986 ) .
2 When a sea or large lake is polluted , then , it often is not possible to identify precisely the main sources of the pollution , or to predict the effects of any particular preventive measure .
3 For example , it is possible to string together the four carbons of butane in two different ways .
4 Porter has undoubtedly had a considerable impact upon corporate strategic thinking , and in this brief discussion it has been possible to present only the barest outlines of his ideas developed in two sizable books .
5 It does not seem possible to explain away the legal rights and duties of a body as being merely the rights and duties of the individuals composing it ; and
6 Although it is not possible to rehearse here the many deficiencies of the antiracist brand of class reductionism , some of the difficulties are signalled by my description of instrumentalism and the patronizing ‘ cultural dope ’ stereotype of the white working-class racist .
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