Example sentences of "perhaps [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was impossible to be sure whether these were new recruits to the Krishnapur field , perhaps freed from the victorious siege of the feringhees somewhere else on the plain , or simply men who had deserted during the rains returning now to finish the job .
2 Please will you send me ( perhaps enclosed with the next statement ) a new book of vouchers ?
3 But Louisa remained forgotten until the discovery of that suitcase , perhaps sold at the original auction as part of a job lot .
4 On his first sea-voyage , as the ship lay in the harbour of Las Palomas on its way to Santa Barbara , he had woken to the sound of words in his ear perhaps inspired by the strange familiarity of the house of Los Xicales , glimpsed from the ship , perhaps indeed a prophecy that he would meet the girl of his memory in that very house .
5 erm there was a time , for instance , when we had members of parliament who were gentlemen of means , perhaps , and who did not need to draw salaries , erm and it was erm perhaps a gentleman amateur job , but it 's all changed totally now and now we recognise that erm to be a national politician is a career and erm it is a career which is perhaps rewarded at the going rate .
6 Criteria would need to be established for the provision of grant perhaps based on the Standard Man Day requirement of the farm .
7 Legends about the Babylonian and Persian period were revived — or perhaps invented for the first time — to encourage faithfulness to the Mosaic Law in the new conditions .
8 But current usage tends to be more precise , perhaps influenced by the philosophical meaning .
9 Perhaps influenced by the parachuting entrance he had by then made in the stage musical Billy , Crawford appeared from the heavens , lowered by a wire and dressed angelically , complete with wings — and beret .
10 Bushes sagged loosely beneath it ; and the masonry at the crown of the arch showed paler than on either curve , as though it had been exposed to the air longer , perhaps concealed by the sheltering broom .
11 Yet talk to any established composer nowadays , and the likelihood is that he or she is about to be embroiled in some kind of operatic project , perhaps planned for the middle-distant future ( timescales are necessarily generous for opera ) but nevertheless fully engaged in the kind of musical thinking that three decades ago would have beyond the wildest dreams for all but the most exclusive , established few — Benjamin Britten and Tippett in Britain , Hans Werner Henze on the Continent .
12 From the answers a narrative history can be written , and perhaps published in the local press or parish magazine , full credit ( with photographs ) being given to the people who provided all the information .
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