Example sentences of "making it [adj] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Misumenops nepenthicola , a spider , lives there and captures flies ; if these are distasteful they are ( sometimes ) thrown back into the pitcher ; if disturbed , the spider goes down into the liquid on a thread , its armour and a bubble of air making it immune to the digestive juices there .
2 The key point was that the bases paired , making it possible for the first time to seem how a chemical entity might be able to store and copy information .
3 Self-help schemes relieve the state of the immediate necessity of providing housing and offer a cheap source of shelter , thus making it possible for the poor to survive on very low incomes ( Burgess 1978 ) .
4 Derek Malcolm might have a point when he says that our idea of ‘ glamour ’ has also changed — making it possible for the 90s woman in the street to look glamorous , too .
5 By creating a mode of Repertory Grid Technique specific to visual art and making it available through the personal computer , this area full of complexity and uncertainty might come to be both better understood and more widely valued .
6 From the moment he had come to power , Napoleon III had made it plain that for him the problem of Paris was not simply one of creating prosperity for its inhabitants ; rather it was one of transforming and embellishing the city in such a way as to make life better for its inhabitants while simultaneously making it worthy of the new France .
7 Making it big on the small screen
8 There is a material difference between merely exempting certain conduct from criminal penalties and making it lawful in the full sense .
9 It is hoped that within two years Mr Stott will lead a management buy-out of the People , making it independent of the other Mirror titles .
10 Sapphire is ultra-reliable and cheap to run , making it ideal for the high mileage user
11 And it was this same movement that was now making it difficult for the distant beetles to get back to the professor .
12 Some prey species such as the oryx ( opposite , top ) , rely on simple , powerful galloping to escape their pursuers , but others , such as the impala ( below ) , employ a more confusing , zigzag escape route , with sudden directional changes making it difficult for the pursuing attacker to strike .
13 Will he now seek the urgent help of the President of the United States in making it clear to the new Government in Turkey that the west expects a positive and constructive contribution to the United Nations peace process from now on ?
14 The therapist should prepare the patient for termination by making it clear from the first interview that a relatively short period of treatment is planned .
15 ‘ It remains to be seen whether or not there will be disciples who will carry on his work of popularizing football , making it attractive to the shilling-paying public , ’ commented The Times in its obituary .
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