Example sentences of "go [adv] [prep] the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Planners are not skiers ( unfortunately ) and they do n't seem able to read a map either because some of the lines defining their concentric rings go right through the middle of existing ski areas , particularly at Glenshee .
2 Just had a sharp pain go right down the bottom of my leg !
3 Go right and collect the bone , fall down , fly up on the fountain and collect the cocoa bean , fall down and jump along the pipes , go up on the platforms , go left at the top , get the cocoa bean and fall down , wait on the platform next to the pipes , go right on the ice cream , go up on the next ice cream , up on the platforms , bounce on the fountain , jump up three platforms and go right , collect the cocoa bean , climb down four platforms , climb up , go right to the top of the map , go right on the lifts and platforms and collect the blue object .
4 The buildings at Hollins Farm go right to the edge of the road , making it difficult to see , she said .
5 Other areas in which non-elected local government has increased in importance go right to the heart of the post-war system , in particular in reforms proposed for housing and education .
6 And it will , if you , at the beginning of the sentence , however , it 's got a comma after it , before you go on to the rest of the sentence .
7 They go on to the end of the world and the end of eternity .
8 There are few children who do not experience the death of a much-loved grandparent or pet when they are quite young , and yet so often they are excluded from all the changes that go on at the time of a grandparent 's death , as though in some way this will leave them unaffected .
9 Many of the chemical reactions in the cell actually go on in the fabric of membranes ; a membrane acts as a combined conveyor-belt and test-tube rack .
10 Too much of a good thing for too long , in fact , mirrored in their supremacy at cricket , but when matters go awry through the dictates of cyclical change , then rebellion and recalcitrance appear the sole riposte .
11 His readings of the rare solo works are also very good , but his tempi go awry near the end of the third March .
12 So though it is perfectly practicable to take a trip to Heiden by car ( a direct road leads from Rorschach ) you would do much better to leave the car behind , go along to the station of the Rorschach-Heiden mountain railway near the harbour , take a cogwheel train , sit back in one of the red coaches and enjoy the gradually changing view .
13 By and large , apart from one very important exception concerning the question whether the section 39 notice overrides the injunction , the defendants go along with the Bank of England 's arguments .
14 Sir Edward , speaking in a London Weekend TV interview , said : ‘ He has got to say to them : ‘ you go along with the policy of the Government or you quietly resign or retire ’ . ’
15 It seems to me however that the terms presumption and exception as national guidance stands at the moment go together in the context of greenbelt .
16 you go in at the top of
17 No cos I 've seen this done before right , I mean it 's over a certain time , but if you go in at the end of the time
18 They added , almost as an aside , ‘ By the way , we go in from the front of your neck , and you may find a tiny scar there afterwards . ’
19 Notice the direction in which you are having to pull the curve on each axis , and move on the ladder of powers accordingly : down in the Y direction ? go down on the ladder of powers with Y , and so on .
20 You go down to the bottom of these roads there and .
21 I go down to the side of the pond to have a look round .
22 Go down to the end of the M62 .
23 Now , suppose we go gently over the events of that night .
24 And they got an old curtain at the back door and then that 's all you sort of go through across the corner of the kitchen and he was making a bouquet of flowers and er he was setting them all out like and then when he bought it into me it was all set out in a big thing of cellophane and it 'd got two gold strips like
25 This is the process that programmers go through at the beginning of a job to understand existing code .
26 A chef would never leave a kitchen with food out on the worktops at the end of the day , and front desk is always tidied at the end of a shift , but how many managers do more than simply turn off the computer and go home at the end of a session with their spreadsheet or word processor ?
27 Eubank admitted : ‘ From what I can make out , this will be a good fight — unfortunately for me , because I like to get the job over and done with and go home with the minimum of fuss . ’
28 ‘ Stockton North people go more for the Conservatism of Macleod and Macmillan , ’ he said .
29 With shorter battens that only go partly across the width of the sail it is best to insert them before the outhaul is tensioned .
30 erm Turner replied , ‘ If you go up to the top of Mount Edgecombe , and look at the ships against the light , with the setting sun behind them , you will realise that one can not distinguish the portholes . ’
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